Natural Healing With Crystals


Natural healing is something many of us search for these days. I bet that some of you didn't know that you could perform healing with crystals, did you? Crystal healing has been used for many, many years. Since I just mentioned them recently, the Ancient Egyptians used crystals mainly for protection and healing, so this isn't anything that the new age has created. Crystal healing doesn't take anything special other than the intent to use the energy from them. You can use them to manifest happiness and love too. The best way to receive the benefits from any mineral is having it close to you, mainly skin to skin. Holding the stones in your hand, wearing them in jewelry, even keeping them in your pocket can bring great results if the intentions are there.


Crystals have high and precise energy. Each crystal vibrates at its own level depending on their color and composition. When used for crystal healing, the rate of the vibration from the crystal can effectively change the rate of our own vibrations.

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Black Tourmaline | Tigers Eye | Septarian | Green Opal

Crystals are also associated to each Chakra. Chakras - each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, usually considered to be seven in number. I have seven small crystals specifically for my Chakras. I wear one stone in my pocket each day. The stone I carry for the day is the one associated to the Chakra I am focusing on. Many crystals can be used for different Chakras; our intuition can help determine which are best for us. These are what I have chosen for myself. When used with each Chakra, the healing properties from them work very well for me.

Black Tourmaline (Root)- This is very powerful for protection. It is very useful for grounding and it can help calm panic attacks.

Tigers Eye (Solar Plexus) - Perfect when used for emotional stability. It is great for courage and empowerment as well.

Septarian (Sacral) - Helps with patience, understanding and communication.

Green Opal (Heart) - It is a rejuvenating and cleansing stone. It also helps to relieve fear.

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Blue Calcite | Amethyst | Moonstone

Blue Calcite (Throat) - This beautiful blue stone clears negative vibrations, enhances creativity and helps express messages.

Amethyst (Third Eye) - Aids in spiritual awareness, relieves stress and it is used for protection.

Moonstone (Crown) - Brings strength and self-acceptance, helps with higher awareness.

Many crystals have several healing properties; those are physical healing properties as well. I personally, mainly only have raw crystals because I do rely heavily on the energy from them. For me, I can feel more energy from them raw than I can polished. That isn't to say that I don't like polished stones because they are very beautiful too.

Rose Quartz

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This is the amazing crystal of love. The color is a very gentle pink and this stone is known for attracting and keeping love. Rose Quartz is also great to help us give unconditional love. The most important thing that Rose Quartz can do is help us love ourselves and help with self-worth. This is a big deal for many because we can't truly be happy in life until we love ourselves first, we can't give love if we don't know how to love.

The gentleness of Rose Quartz just being in your home can help to calm the energies around you. Keeping it close to you can help you feel at peace. I have mine on my nightstand. By holding the Rose Quartz and focusing on peaceful energy, it will come to you and you will attract loving energy. This is also a crystal of harmony. Having the Rose Quartz near you will help bring harmony into your life.

Healing Properties of Rose Quartz

  • Self-love and inner peace
  • Promotes loving and nourishing energy
  • Brings joy into your life
  • Attracts love
  • Helps one to overcome challenges
  • Helps with infertility
  • Relieves emotional pain and grief
  • Clears and relaxes your mind
  • Promotes blood circulation

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close up of my Rose Quartz so that you can see and feel the gentle energy

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This is another beautiful healing and protection stone. I quickly decided that Amethyst was a must have crystal for me to keep near at all times. Amethyst can typically easily be spotted because of the beautiful purple color it gives off. I have seen some that are a very, very light shade of purple and others are a deep amazingly beautiful shade of purple. The Amethysts that I have are in between, giving off lighter shades but still have a few darker spots.

This is one that I highly recommend anyone look into if you are interested in crystals. The overall benefits from Amethyst are amazing. The frequency itself that this stone carries is pretty high. The high frequency gives it the benefits of cleansing your aura and purifying the energy around you. Since this is a protection stone, by keeping Amethyst near you, it will help block the negative energy from those around you.

Healing Properties Of Amethyst

  • Aids in spiritual awareness
  • Helps to overcome addictions
  • Protects from psychic attacks
  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Brings peace
  • Clears the mind
  • Great for meditation



Crystals are a beautiful addition for any home. They are so calming and relaxing to have around the house. The benefits from each crystal are just incredible. Even if we don't feel the benefits from them (and sometimes I don't), just having them around to look at it is more than enough! If you are new to crystals and want to try and find the right one for you, I suggest finding a shop that sells them and physically touch and hold each stone you are drawn to.

Once you have chosen the one that feels best to you, you will need to cleanse it to clear out any other unwanted energy. Using sage or simply using your intentions work great for this. Once it is cleansed, hold the crystal in your hand and close your eyes. Allow the energies to flow through the crystal and into you. Usually you won't feel anything from this if you are new. Sometimes, you can feel tingling, hot or cold coming from the crystal. Focus on your intentions while holding the stone and keep a "relationship" with it after that. You will want to hold it often so that it keeps the energy from it strong. If nothing else, at least you'll have some beautiful new crystals to look at or some pretty nice jewelry!


All images above belong to me and are directly from my personal collection

This article was exclusively written for Beyond the Veil. A newsletter that is prepared weekly, by a collection of people, containing articles surrounding the spiritual and the supernatural. To subscribe to the newsletter please follow @beyondtheveil, to stay updated about our community.

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