Brenlyns Journal - Dungeons & Dragons Role Playing


Last night was the first time in a few months that I had the chance to do a little role playing with my husband. Role playing is always fun, you get the chance to become whatever you want. Your imagination can take you to places that you could only dream of. The fantasy world is incredible if you allow your mind to take you there. Do I even need to mention how much role playing can spice up a relationship? Don't worry though, this isn't the hot and steamy role playing that I am about to tell you about. Last night, I was in character as Brenlyn Manoa. She is this incredible character that I have had the chance to create. This is the story of Brenlyn-

Brenlyn Manoa is a 30 year old woman, she is 5 ft and 120 lbs. She has short blonde hair, bright green eyes and the pointy tips of her elven ears can be seen sticking through her hair. You can easily tell Brenlyn apart from other half-elves. She has never been seen without her beautiful glowing waterfall pendant being worn around her neck and her small head band that she wears on her head which has small but beautiful crystals on it. 30 years ago, Brenlyn was born at her home in Bronetown. Her mother Sheera, is a human and her father Illithor, is an elf. Brenlyn always knew that she had a purpose in life but she didn't know what it was. Being half elf she could end up living past 180 years old, so growing up with humans was hard on her.

Time stood still for Brenlyn while she had to watch her human friends and family grow old. The constant search for her purpose caused Brenlyn to develop the habit of tugging on her ears when she is nervous and she will often be heard taking long pauses when she speaks. At age 11, Brenlyn went with her mother Sheera and father Illithor to visit elven family in a small village called Sherland. Elves like to stay together and out of the eyes of others so Sherland was hidden well among the trees. While spending time in this village with the elves, Brenlyn could feel their positive energy from the magic some of them performed. While standing outside, Brenlyn, being the care free 11 year old she should have been, seen a beautiful large black and yellow butterfly land on her shoulder and then fly in front of her.


Brenlyn started to follow the butterfly through the trees and it led her to the steps of an obviously old but very beautiful shrine. The door opened slowly and the butterfly began to fly inside. Brenlyn was nervous but drawn to follow the butterfly. Once inside the shrine, she noticed an older male that was knelt down in open prayer. The smell of incense and herbs filled the room. She walked over to a table that she seen had crystals and prayer books on it. She then noticed a note on the table that said,

Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.

The room was dim but the calming candles being lit made the room feel safe and warm. However, the focus point in the entire room was what the male was praying to. It was the most beautiful thing Brenlyn had ever seen. There was a small waterfall plunging into a pool of water. The water was magical and had a sparkle to it, the sound was peaceful. By now, the older gentleman has finished his prayer. He slowly walks over to Brenlyn and holds out his hand. Inside of his hand is a glowing waterfall pendant, he places the pendant in her hand and quickly gets started on informing Brenlyn why she is at the shrine.

Brenlyn learns that she was chosen by Eldath, Goddess of peace, to focus on positive energy and she is to assist a high priest in sacred rites and channeling divine power. The waterfall is the symbol associated with Eldath. The male then tells Brenlyn that to follow out her purpose, she needed to travel over to Thorne Temple. He points to his right, Brenlyn turns to look in the direction he pointed and quickly looks back. She suddenly noticed that the man had disappeared. He had been what seemed like to her, replaced by the butterfly which then flies off.


Brenlyn heads back to Sherland and shows her parents the pendant she was given. She also tells them what she was told by the male in the shrine. Her parents were not shocked. In fact, they tell Brenlyn that when she was born, she was not alive. Her father had called in a priest to pray over her, an older gentleman came into the home and touched her forehead while praying. The moment he touched her, was the moment that she took her first breath. Before he left, he told her parents that Brenlyn was a special girl with a huge purpose in life.

Her parents were very happy to hear that her purpose in life had finally been presented to her. They both helped her get on the way to Thorne Temple. Once arriving, this temple quickly became home to Brenlyn. She immediately started to study the history of spells and magic, she also assisted the high priest just as she was told. During her years worshiping and obeying Eldath, Brenlyn learned how to promote vitality and health through healing the sick and wounded, caring for those in need and driving away evil.

After 19 years of faithfully worshiping her God, Brenlyn is told that she is to get prepared for an adventure, the one she was chosen to go on. She is to use her divine energy to survive while searching for a holy item which is said to be buried some where in an ancient tomb. This is where Brenlyns adventure begins, when she finally after 30 years fulfills her life purpose. She places her pendent, her holy symbol for Eldath, around her neck and she whispers goodbye to her safe space...


This is the back story to my character Brenlyn, she was created for the game Dungeons & Dragons. D&D is a fantasy tabletop role playing game (RPG), each game or "campaign", has a Dungeon Master (DM) who tells the adventure and guides the players. The players then use their imagination to make choices in the game, fight battles and gather treasures. It isn't a board game and it isn't a card game. There are character sheets that help you create your character. The choices in the game are heavily decided by the rolling of dice. Typically every action that you take, every battle that you fight, is first decided by rolling a d20. Your fate in the game can quickly change by one single roll.


During our time playing, after each adventure or each day, Brenlyn writes in her journal. This is so when we take long breaks from playing D&D, we know what happened previously.

Brenlyns Journal

We are preparing for our adventure. Everyone is gathering the items needed for us to attempt surviving. Rations are being gathered, explores kits, healing potions and weapons are now loaded onto the wagon. Before we started gathering supplies, Diero, Olin, Varius and myself were in prayer led by Dooramir. Suddenly a light tremor began to happen. Diero goes into a deep trance, his eyes began rolling, he was speaking an unknown language and twitching. When the trance was broken, he says that he was directly spoken to by our Goddess Eldath so that he can give us a message. We are to travel and receive Thornes redeemer (sacred item). Evil worshipers of the Deity Cryick (God of lies) will be in route to search for this item as well. They will do whatever it takes to take us down.

Everything in Brenlyns journal will not be a story that I made up on my own like her back story. Her journal is a summary of the hours played in the actual game. This is just the beginning of the adventure. I will be writing more about what is written in Brenlyns journal which goes into detail of the battles and struggles the players face while trying to search for this sacred item. I will end this post with a map that was drawn by our DM @termianllyill. Maps help the creativity during the game really come to life.


Part 2- The battle begins


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