My First Sensory Deprivation Tank & Other Birthday Adventures! [Part 2]

My Birthday Adventure!

Check out part 1 here to read the full story of My First Sensory Deprivation Tank & Other Birthday Adventures!

My First Sensory Deprivations Tank!

After quickly leaving the restaurant, we arrive at the spa called adrift! It was fortunate and well planned that it was only 2 mins from the restaurant because otherwise we would have been late.

When we entered inside the building we were greeted by a very friendly man named James, with short hair and tattoos all over his arms. He welcomed us in and recognized who we were right away from our conversation on the phone.

A piece of petrified wood at the entrance of the doorway!

First James had us sign the consent papers that are required for all activities that are fun these days; The papers I signed said something like if the water of the float tank becomes contaminated there will be a 1,500$ fee for changing the water. Since I was so excited I signed the papers without even hesitating for a second!

I asked him what type of salt is used and he told me epsom salt. James continued to explain that they put about 12,000 pounds of epsom salts in each one and that is why the changing fee is so high; He says that it takes quite a long while to dissolve. After he finishes explaning that he tells us to follow him as he gestures with his hands to the direction we would be walking!

The tour of adrift spa

It was a quick tour since adrift spa is not that large. He first brought us to the changing rooms, were he explained all the steps we would go through for our preparations. He then explained that we would take off our clothes and put all of our personal belongings inside any locker we desired. Then we would put on the robes and sandals to wear for the time that we were there at the spa. After he finished explaining everything about the changing room, he then guided us to the next room.

The changing room with the robes and sandals to the left of the lockers. Also more petrified wood!

James then led us to the massage room. It was a dimly lit room with a blue light, filled with a row of electronic massage chairs. In between two standing Buddhas holding candles, There was a peaceful fountain that covered almost the entire wall. He told us we would receive a 15 min massage before the sensory deprivation tanks to help us relax! James told us he would set all that up for us when we were ready for it. He recommend the two chairs on the far right because the were supposedly better in someway.

The two Buddhas guarding the sacred fountain with their light!

We walked down the hallway as he guided us to the next part of the tour! He gestured to show us the bathrooms as we walked to the next room. He then stopped in front of two separate rooms where we would expereince our sensory deprivation tank or, as they call it, "float tank". James said that I would be in 4# and @danilamarilu would be in 2#. He told us to make sure that we shower well first to wash off oils, lotion, or any hair products (this is the part that the waiver that I signed was warning us about by threatening us with a fine!). He showed us the ear plugs (which were orange, silicone and pliable) and said if we wanted everything around us to be noise proof these would help.

My "suite" number of my float tank room!

James explained that there is an option to have music if we didn't want it to be completely silent while in the float tank. He also said that if we didn't want it to be completely dark, we could have a small dim blue light that would stay on the entire time. I told him that @danilamarilu and I both had opposite answers to that preposal. She wanted both those options because she was unsure of what the experience would be like. While I on the other hand wanted all my senses to be "deprived" as much as possible.

James continued to explain that once we get inside the float tank it may be a surprise because of the temperature difference. After we get inside there are three buttons under water: The white one turns off the light, the red one calls an attendant and the black one is now inactive due to the system changing. He continued explain that there are two neck pillows if we would like to use them, a towel and a spray bottle with water inside in case we get some of the float tank water in our eyes.

James asked us if we had any other question, I told him,"no thanks". He then said that we can head to the changing room to get dressed so we can be ready for our massage!

The luxury spa Journey

We headed back to our separate changing rooms to get dressed in our robes and sandals. Once inside, I did as james instructed. After taking off my clothes I placed them (and my kombucha drink I bought at true food) inside locker number #1. I then grabbed a robe and wrapped it around me.

Thumbs up for looking good in a robe!

Then I proceeded to slip on my sandals to prepare for my deluxe luxury spa experience!

Awesome, The sandals are my favorite color! Today must really be my day!

Now fully dressed and ready I exit the changing room! I wait outside for @danilamarilu to finish changing and then we head to the massage room.

The Buddha Massage Room

We walk past the two guardians of the room while we choose our massage chairs. We take James advise as we choose the two massage chairs on the far right side because they are supposedly better. Once we sat down and took off our sandals, a women who worked there came in and assisted us with setting up the massage chair properly. After she finished we just sat back and relaxed.

the chairs that we chose were closest to the camera. Shiny salt rock in the medium of all the chairs!

At first I thought that the automated massage chair didn't really massage me as well as i would have like it to. It wasn't able to hold compression well and the kneading sometimes went off track from the spots it was supposed to focus on. Since I am a massage therapist, I often have trouble over analyzing the massage instead of just letting go (ironic). Eventually I just stopped thinking about it and drifted off into a peaceful nap.

Preparing for the Float Tank

I awoke to the sound of the chair finishing the massage after 15 minutes. I felt relaxed and refreshed all over my body. After getting out our chairs we walked to our final destination; The float tank! We then went into our individual rooms. I walked into suite #4 to prepare for my shower.

There is a shower curtain for privacy so the zero amount of people in the room won't see me naked.

I took an extra long shower to wash off any oils that may have been on my body. Scrubbing myself extra thoroughly in all the right places, anything to avoid paying that extra fee! Just in case it wasn't clear at the front desk when I signed the waiver, there was a sign in the shower reminding me to of the consequences of not cleaning myself properly.

I have never had a sign yell at me before while I was in the shower

After following the orders of the sign and making myself sparkling clean, I turn off the shower. Then I opened up the door to the float tank and slowly submerged myself into the water.

Experiencing the float tank for the first time!

My square water tank of relaxation, with the useless neck pillows hanging on the door handle.

The first thing I noticed as I was getting in the water is how light my body felt. My body just keep on rising to the top of the water. The water had an interesting smell and a different feel to it; I was more aware of ever individual bubble that rose to the top as it touched my skin. I started adjusting myself to these new feelings as I start to relax. I tried the neck pillow that was hanging on the door but the floating created by the water was so strong that the neck pillow just seemed to get in the way.

I grabbed my earplugs and pushed them in until they fit properly. Then I pressed the white button and immediately all the lights went out; It was pitch black inside the whole room. Now that I was blind, I decided to lay back to fully let myself relax.

The feeling of floating and the sound of silence was amazing. Half of my body was submerged while the other half stayed on top of the water; I felt weightless! The silence brought awareness to only the things that were still active within me internally: my breath, my heartbeat, and my thoughts.

I noticed that every breath I took brought movement to my whole body. When I inhaled deeply that movement seemed stronger than it every has before. My heartbeat echoed in a way to were it was one of the main vibrations surrounding my entire being. My thoughts were like waves, coming out of no where and then leaving me just as quickly as they came.

I noticed while I was floating that I could not fully tell the difference between my eyes being open or closed; The only reason I did know was because of the ability of being able to physically open them and close them. I also noticed that I had let go of all the muscle tension in my physical body, letting it go limp and letting only the water support me.

I realized that with the waters support, I could move my body any way that I wanted to without any weight resistance to my movement. I could stretch my self as long as possible, without needing to having to be consciously aware of keeping my balance stable. So I then took advantage of being able to move my body in ways that I had never fully experienced before.

I quickly lost track of time, it seemed like hours had passed. Every one in a while I would switch between stretching my body and just letting my body go limp on the water supporting me; Even when I stopped all movement of my body, my breath and heartbeat were always consistent.

All of a sudden the lights turn on! This meant that my time in the float tank had finished. I got out and washed my self off in the shower with the dictator sign in front of me. After drying myself off I slipped back on my robes and left the room.

The after "glow" from the float tank!

It was amazing to me how relaxed I felt afterwards, everything seemed extremely calm and silent around me. I walked out slowly without any rush to be anywhere; I was at peace. I wanted to have a quick picture to be able to see what I looked like in this relaxed state later; So I had @danilamarilu take a picture of me in the Buddha massage chair room.

Relaxed in a state of bliss, with my hair up in a towel to dry

Then we went to our separate changing rooms to get dressed back into our clothes. After experiencing the float tank, I was seeing everything in a completely new perspective. I was way more aware of everything, all things around me seemed to have more detail than they did before.

Seems the same as before yet I can see everything more clearly

As I was changing my clothes in the dressing room, I noticed details in there that I hadn't before; Even though I was just there not to many hours ago. The drift wood seemed to have smaller, more intricate details than I saw before.

*So much wow, so many little lines in between the wood.

It was slightly like tripping because of my fascination in things around me that I would usually ignore, except I had more clarity with every action I made. I took some pictures of all the things in the dressing room that peaked my interest that I hadn't noticed earlier!

A magazine featuring the adrift spa on the front cover. I never had the option to wear a swimsuit?

A beautiful quote by Mahatma Gandhi, I need to look up what the word arduous means now

A badly taken picture of an article featuring the creator of the spa and how it came to be

After I was finished changing clothes and admiring the new perspective I had of the dressing room, I then left and waited out in the hallway for @danilamarilu. Once she came out we went out into the lobby. Still having a greater awareness and seeing things in an more detailed way, I took picture of each individual decorations that I saw in the lobby.

The lights were brighter and chandelier glistened more

Very beautiful crystal stones!

I walked to the reception desk to go pay for everything. We were greeted by James again asking us how our experience was? I told him how amazing it was and he seemed happy to hear that. I told him that I was very happy to be able to come here on my birthday to have this great experience. He seemed surprised by me telling him this, then he told me it was his birthday tomorrow. I told him happy earlier birthday and then that somehow started multiple conversation while I was paying.

While we were talking I noticed the kombucha on tap, which is my favorite! I asked him how much it would cost? He told me and then said that he would just give me some for free! There were two flavor I could choose from: Cranberry or Pomegranate Ginger! I chose the pomegranate and happily drank it while I paid.

My dream would be if I owned all of that kombucha just for myself. I promise I would drink it all!

I conversed with James some more while drinking my kombucha. I told him that I like all the decoration in the spa, especially the petrified wood through out the spa. I told him I also liked the waves texture on the wall next to this piece of petrified wood.

I am riding the waves bro.... with my eyes!!

He said,"you would be surprised how many compliments we receive on that wall, to bad we probably wont be able to take it with us." I asked him what he meant by that. He said to me "we're were moving sometime at the beginning of the year, between February and March".

James told me that the landlords of the property were raising the rent and they couldn't afford it anymore. It used to cost 12,000$ a month but after the raise it would cost 16,000$ a month. The area is an upscale expensive part of town, so it seems like the landlords are taking advantage of that fact. He told me they (adrift) don't make that much money already and with that raise to the property cost they would profit very little, possibly only breaking even.

I said it was too bad because of all the work they put into decorating the building. He agreed with me and said,"It will cost approximately 100,000$ in moving cost". While taking more picture of everything around me I told him that I would definitely come back before they moved locations!

I then asked @danilmarilu to take a picture of me in front of the adrift sign. I gave her the camera and started to pose. Right before she took the picture James asked if I would like him to take a picture of both of us, I happily agreed!

@ballinconscious and @danilamarilu lookin' stylish in front of the wavey walls!

I thanked him and asked if I could get a glass of the cranberry kombucha. He said yes, again he told me I could have that glass for free too. Having those two drinks for free made the whole experience even more perfect than it already was. As I left I thanked him again and wished him an early happy birthday!

As I left the building it was now dark and all the Christmas lights were on. All the lights seemed waaaay brighter than they usually do, I guess this was because of my hyper sensitivity after experiencing the float tank.

Just like this picture except 10x brighter for me at that point in time!

We then got inside the car and I drove back to the house to continue having an amazing day on my birthday adventure! Later that night I go out to the drum circle that happens ever Wednesday at a bar I go to once a week to celebrate my birthday party with all my friends! Let me know if you would like me to write about it and I will make a part 3 to my birthday adventure!

Whenever I celebrate my birthday, I celebrate it for a whole week; So in my mind it is still my birthday. Happy Birthday to me! _

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