As Bitcoin Closes In On My $5000 Target Price, Remember "You Aint Seen Nothin Yet." By Gregory Mannarino

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Two months ago I wrote an article titled : "Next Stop For Bitcoin $5,000 and Beyond." Click here: @marketreport/next-stop-for-bitcoin-usd5-000-and-beyond-by-gregory-mannarino

Today Bitcoin broke $3,300 and again I will say it.. You ain't seen nothin yet!

It's funny.
The vast majority of people all over the world really and wholeheartedly believe in Fiat currency which are literally pieces of paper with numbers printed on them, like the US dollar and the Euro. People believe in them because they are issued by central banks however, in this modern age when a decentralized currency emerges these same people want nothing to do with it.

It really is insane, and I believe it is a kin to brainwashing.

As many of you know I am a strong believer in dollar alternatives like cryptocurrency, and I continue to get into conversations with people about it yet despite the fact that Bitcoin is surging higher against the dollar, they refuse to own it.

Keep in mind that it is these same people who will stay locked into a central bank issued currency and watch it fall in value month after month, year after year, decade after decade, and smile...

I have no doubt, as I wrote in that article 2 months ago, that within a very short period of time Bitcoin will hit my $5000 target, and then continue higher.

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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