🗞 Daily Crypto News, December 6th💰

  • Token Summit Surprise: OpenBazaar to Launch Layer-Two Coin;
  • World’s Largest Bitcoin Exchange, Bitfinex, Threatens Critics With Legal Action;
  • Tokyo Financial Exchange to Begin Planning for BTC Futures
  • Australian Vault Provider Says Securing Bitcoin in Safety Boxes Is Trending
  • Nokia Trials Blockchain in Bid to Secure Health Data
  • SBD Trading Update by @cryptopassion

🗞 Token Summit Surprise: OpenBazaar to Launch Layer-Two Coin

"Over the last six months, things have changed a lot, I don't think it makes any sense for us to be bitcoin only."

That's according to Brian Hoffman, CEO of OB1, the development company behind the decentralized e-commerce protocol OpenBazaar, who announced today the project will seek to incorporate a token into its existing product offering sometime in 2018.

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/token-summit-surprise-openbazaar-launch-layer-two-coin/

🗞 World’s Largest Bitcoin Exchange, Bitfinex, Threatens Critics With Legal Action

"To date, every claim made by these bad actors has been patently false and made simply to agitate the cryptocurrency ecosystem. As a result, Bitfinex has decided to assert all of its legal rights and remedies against this agitator and his associates.”

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/worlds-largest-bitcoin-exchange-bitfinex-threatens-critics-with-legal-action

🗞 Tokyo Financial Exchange to Begin Planning for BTC Futures

“Once the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act recognizes cryptocurrencies as financial products, we will list the futures as quickly as possible. To achieve that, we will launch this working group to study various aspects, including Bitcoin’s present status, its outlook, and what form it will take root in Japan’s society.”

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/tokyo-financial-exchange-to-begin-planning-for-btc-futures

🗞 Australian Vault Provider Says Securing Bitcoin in Safety Boxes Is Trending

The price of bitcoin has become extremely valuable these days as one BTC is roughly $12K right now. This has led to bitcoin enthusiasts keeping their coin on hardware and paper wallets. However, some bitcoin proponents are taking bitcoin security to the next level by using companies that focus on securing people’s assets like gold and cash.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/australian-vault-provider-says-securing-bitcoin-in-safety-boxes-is-trending/

🗞 Nokia Trials Blockchain in Bid to Secure Health Data

"While the value of connected health data is widely recognised, it is often not leveraged to its full potential due to authenticity, availability and privacy concerns. Trust is a vital requirement in order for health data to provide the greatest benefit to individuals, families and our global society."

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/nokia-trials-blockchain-bid-secure-health-data/

SBD Trading Update by @cryptopassion

The SBD has broken the 2.80$ like I was explaining you yesterday :

We should go test soon the $3 level.
I think we will be able to break them easly as we already did a try.

Keep all your SBD, I think they will gain in value compared to the STEEM.

🗞 Daily Crypto News, December 5th💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, December 4th💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, December 3rd💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, December 2nd💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, December 1st💰

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