πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 14th πŸ’°

  • Kucoin Issues a Warning After Bitcoin Diamond Soars 40x and Then Crashes;
  • US Treasury Secretary Addresses Anonymity, Sanctions And Digital Currencies
  • Steemit Statistics & Big Data: πŸš€ End of 2017 Update πŸš€;
  • Brazil Regulator Prohibits Funds from Investing in Cryptocurrencies
  • 3 Web Giants That Could Be Decentralized on a Blockchain
  • STEEM Trading Update

πŸ—ž Kucoin Issues a Warning After Bitcoin Diamond Soars 40x and Then Crashes

Ever since the arrival of bitcoin cash, forked coins have been en vogue. While BCH has succeeded in gaining traction, not only on exchanges, but also in the real world, the stragglers have struggled. There is little evidence that the likes of bitcoin gold and bitcoin diamond are used for anything other than speculation. That speculation can see forked coins pumped to insane highs, as the events of the past 24 hours demonstrate.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/kucoin-issues-warning-bitcoin-diamond-soars-40x-crashes/

πŸ—ž US Treasury Secretary Addresses Anonymity, Sanctions And Digital Currencies

The US Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, made a number of statements regarding the international use of digital currencies at a meeting of the Economic Club of Washington on Friday.

β€œIf you have a wallet to own Bitcoins, that company has the same obligation as a bank to know [you]. We can track those activities. The rest of the world doesn’t have that, so one of the things we will be working very closely with the G-20 is making sure that this doesn’t become the Swiss bank account.”

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-treasury-secretary-addresses-anonymity-sanctions-and-digital-currencies

πŸ—ž Steemit Statistics & Big Data: πŸš€ End of 2017 Update πŸš€

We reached 34.36mn visits in December ALONE!

The number of Daily visits in October was at 600k+. In November it improved to 800k+
Look at December! 1mn+ and 1.25mn at the end of last month!

Steemit website is ranked 1,390 worldwide vs 2,136 last month
Steemit is ranked 505 in the US vs 1,242 last month
Steemit kept on improving its ranking as it ranked 15,000+ last year.

Read more & Source: @vlemon/steemit-statistics-and-big-data-end-of-2017-update

πŸ—ž Brazil Regulator Prohibits Funds from Investing in Cryptocurrencies

Brazil’s Securities and Exchange Commission announced on Friday that local investment funds are prohibited from investing in cryptocurrencies. The country’s regulators are currently working on crypto regulation; seven public hearings have already been held to discuss this subject.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/brazil-regulator-prohibits-funds-investing-cryptocurrencies/

πŸ—ž 3 Web Giants That Could Be Decentralized on a Blockchain

The web has taken over our lives, and with that, online enterprises have grown into huge monoliths of power.

Yet, while tech giants give us access to the stuff we like – music, movies, shopping – blockchain enthusiasts think an individual's web experience could be greatly improved by decentralization.

If the web's giants decentralize, the web itself will become a wildly different place – it's hard to even wrap your head around, just like it would have been impossible to imagine meme culture in 1999.

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/3-web-giants-decentralized-blockchain/

STEEM Trading Update by @cryptopassion

Yesterday, I was showing this chart :

The market has decided to stay upperof that support line and use it to start a new UP :

The next objective is now to go test the previous TOP of the STEEM where I traced the red line.

We will see how the market will react at this level. A double Top is always a dangerous momentum but if the volume is there, we will break it and make a new high for the STEEM.

πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 13thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 12thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 11thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 10thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 9thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 8thπŸ’°

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