πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 8th πŸ’°

  • China Introduces New Rules for Bitcoin Mining Operations
  • Binance, Bitfinex, Bittrex Temporarily Say No to New Users
  • Crypto Tax Tips To Start 2018 Right
  • Cryptocurrency Hedge Fund Headed by Ex-Goldman Sachs VP Raises $140 Million
  • Cut Off? Here Are 7 Different Bitcoin Debit Card Services and Fees
  • BTC Trading Update

πŸ—ž China Introduces New Rules for Bitcoin Mining Operations

Most people are well aware of how the majority of Bitcoin mining takes place in China. Not only is this a centralization problem, it also means China is still dictating the Bitcoin landscape to a certain extent. Last week, news broke that the Chinese government was cracking down on Bitcoin mining. It seems a portion of that information was vastly overstated, even though mining business operators were asked to exit the industry in an orderly fashion.

Read more & Source: https://themerkle.com/china-introduces-new-rules-for-bitcoin-mining-operations/

πŸ—ž Binance, Bitfinex, Bittrex Temporarily Say No to New Users

With the surging price of cryptocurrencies, demand has reached the point where cryptocurrency exchanges are completely swamped. This massive influx of users has led to major infrastructure concerns leading to the temporary closure of their registration portals.

Throughout the last half of 2017, digital currency exchanges have posted record numbers of user signup. Binance is reporting the addition of 250,000 users per day while Coinbase has reported numerous days of 100,000+ user signups and Kraken boasts of 50,000 new users per day.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/binance-bitfinex-bittrex-temporarily-say-no-to-new-users

πŸ—ž Crypto Tax Tips To Start 2018 Right

Even though cryptocurrencies are getting more and more exposure, their legislation seems to be a grey area for most governments, especially when it comes to declaring your income in digital currencies. The Internal Revenue Service, the US tax collection agency, has issued Notice 2014-21 stating that Bitcoin and altcoins are subjects to federal income and payroll taxes. So what to do with your crypto money and how to declare your taxes right?

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/crypto-tax-tips-to-start-2018-right

πŸ—ž Cryptocurrency Hedge Fund Headed by Ex-Goldman Sachs VP Raises $140 Million

It looks as if Silicon Valley and Wall Street are coming together just to see who can shower cryptocurrency ventures with more money.

Blocktower Capital is a cryptocurrency hedge fund headed by former Goldman Sachs vice president Matthew Goetz. The new venture was only launched in August 2017 and has already said to have raised about $140 million.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/cryptocurrency-hedge-fund-headed-by-ex-goldman-sachs-vp-raises-140-million/

πŸ—ž Cut Off? Here Are 7 Different Bitcoin Debit Card Services and Fees

Just recently we reported on European bitcoin users having issues with their loadable bitcoin debit cards. Even though some of these businesses are having a few issues, there are many cryptocurrency debit cards available all around the world.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/cut-off-here-are-7-different-bitcoin-debit-card-services-and-fees/

BTC Trading Update by @cryptopassion

We were testing the rΓ©sistance line yesterday but we finally failed :

We are now on a support line and we need to see if this one will stop our drop or if it is just used as a pause.

If that support line is powerfull enough, it will help us to go back test the resistance line in red.

If we break the support line volume, we could go back to the levels around 12300$ so yeah it won't be a good new but it is a possibility.

πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 7thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 6thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 5thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 4thπŸ’°

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