πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 18th πŸ’°

πŸ—ž 3 (Possible) Reasons the Crypto Markets Tanked This Week

This week's cryptocurrency market crash erased paper fortunes and likely churned a few stomachs belonging to new investors who had been piling into the space.

While the market has been in a frenzy over the past few months – with the majority of coins reaching all-time-highs while the market caps of cryptocurrencies with little technical development (Dogecoin) and niche business opportunity (Dentacoin) surged past $1 billion in network value – starting Tuesday morning, it began shedding weight.

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/three-possible-reasons-the-crypto-markets-tanked-this-week/

πŸ—ž Visa CEO: Bitcoin is Not a Payment System

Visa, the world’s largest credit card company, is widely regarded as being hostile to Bitcoin. It would seem intuitive that a traditional financial provider should look unkindly on anything that threatens its hegemony. Publicly, though, the company has had very little to say about Bitcoin, preferring to focus on matters within its own domain. In a CNBC interview on Wednesday, the corporation’s CEO broke his silence, opining – predictably – that Bitcoin is not a payments system.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/visa-ceo-bitcoin-not-payment-system/

πŸ—ž South Korean Officials Caught Trading On Insider Knowledge of Crypto Regulations

South Korean government officials have reportedly been caught insider trading. They sold all of their cryptocurrency holdings and profited just before the regulators announced crypto regulatory measures. The country’s Financial Supervisory Service is investigating the case.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/south-korean-officials-caught-trading-on-insider-knowledge-of-crypto-regulations/

πŸ—ž Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Appoints First Executive Director

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) has appointed Ron Resnick, the former president and chairman of the Airfuel Alliance, as the first executive director, according to a Jan. 17 press release.

β€œ4G wireless broadband changed the world. We believe Blockchains will have a similar impact on society. Ron’s task as our first Executive Director is to build-out the organization, engage with members and foster the continued development of technical content.”

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/enterprise-ethereum-alliance-appoints-first-executive-director

πŸ—ž Proof-of-Work, Explained

Proof-of-Work, or PoW, is the original consensus algorithm in a Blockchain network.

In Blockchain, this algorithm is used to confirm transactions and produce new blocks to the chain. With PoW, miners compete against each other to complete transactions on the network and get rewarded.

In a network users send each other digital tokens. A decentralized ledger gathers all the transactions into blocks. However, care should be taken to confirm the transactions and arrange blocks.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/explained/proof-of-work-explained

STEEM Trading Update by @cryptopassion

Two days ago, I was suggesting you to keep an eye on the STEEM which was making a consolidation with a triangle pattern for which a nice Break Out was expected.

Here was the chart when I asked you to keep an eye on it earlier:

Here is the current chart :

So as expected, we did a very nice break out but unfortunately it is a DOWN break out...
We have already a move of more than 2$ per STEEM.

πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 16thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 15thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 14thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 13thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 12thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 11thπŸ’°

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