πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 7th πŸ’°

  • Combined Crypto Market Capitalization Races Past $800 Bln
  • Man’s Life Savings Stolen from Hardware Wallet Supplied by a Reseller
  • Brazilian Government Plans to Process Petitions and Write Laws on Ethereum
  • 2017: A Legal Renaissance, Blockchain Style
  • An Ethereum (ETH) Based World
  • BTC Trading Update

πŸ—ž Combined Crypto Market Capitalization Races Past $800 Bln

The combined market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies hit $800 bln on Sunday, just days after reaching the previous all-time high of $700 bln. The number is at over $825 bln as of press time and keeps growing.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/combined-crypto-market-capitalization-races-past-800-bln

πŸ—ž Man’s Life Savings Stolen from Hardware Wallet Supplied by a Reseller

Hardware wallets are regarded as one of the safest means of storing bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Each device grants the holder possession of their private keys and adds a PIN code plus other tamer-proof tech for enhanced security. Hardware wallets are not impregnable, however, as one British man found to his peril after purchasing the device on Ebay.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/mans-life-savings-stolen-from-hardware-wallet-supplied-by-a-reseller/

πŸ—ž Brazilian Government Plans to Process Petitions and Write Laws on Ethereum

The Brazilian government is seeking to move popular petitions, an inefficient electoral system of the country, onto the Ethereum network, to process hundreds of millions of votes on the immutable Blockchain network.

In Brazil, popular petitions enable over 145 mln voters across the country to come to a consensus on important political decisions. But, for many decades, political experts and analysts have questioned the logistical issue of popular petitions, and political commentators have described the structural problem of the electoral system of Brazil as the basis for most of the country’s political issues.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/brazilian-government-plans-to-process-petitions-and-write-laws-on-ethereum

πŸ—ž 2017: A Legal Renaissance, Blockchain Style

Blockchain and cryptocurrency entered the common vernacular. Previously, my family and friends, many of whom likely viewed me as earnest and well meaning – yet nonetheless tinfoil hat-wearing – politely tolerated my attempts to regale them with tales of how "blockchain can change the world." But now, dinner conversations regularly revolve around digital tokens and exchanges – and the ever-popular question, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" I find myself smiling at the realization that, now, sometimes I am the one at the table who tries to change the subject when cryptocurrency come up.

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/2017-legal-renaissance-blockchain-style/

πŸ—ž An Ethereum (ETH) Based World

First to $750, then to $1000. Ethereum (ETH) may not be finished yet as it skyrockets alongside this new market-cap. But Ethereum (ETH) isn’t the only game in town. Altcoins utilizing the Ethereum blockchain, incorporating smart contracts into their peer-to-peer platforms, are also benefiting greatly from the influx of cash into our favorite exchanges. As an example, Ethlend (LEND), a little-known lending platform based on Ethereum (ETH) and ERC-20 tokens, has more than doubled with the new growth.

Tron (TRX), a potential digital media platform that will transfer user information across games, social media sites and even casinos, shot up from 5 cents to over 20 (quadrupling once again) in the immediate stages of this new cash-influx (yeah, I know, it fell a bit since).

Read more & Source: https://themerkle.com/an-ethereum-eth-based-world/

BTC Trading Update by @cryptopassion

Yesterday, I was showing you this prediction :

Here is the current chart :

We broke, as expected, the resistance line and we are now moving around that line which is prooving that this line is a good indicator.

To confirm that move, we must now go test the next resistance line, the upper red line. If we are able to break it, we will go to make new highs on the BTC.

πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 6thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 5thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 4thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 3rdπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 2ndπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, January 1stπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, December 31stπŸ’°

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