🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 10th 💰


  • Governments Not Taking Bitcoin Disruption Lightly, Says Citigroup CEO
  • Cracks Appear as Critics Label Bitconnect a Ponzi Scheme
  • Bitcoin Gold Sets Sunday Date for Cryptocurrency Release
  • Thai Bank, IBM Complete Joint Blockchain Pilot to Augment Contract Management Process
  • Bitcoin Cash Markets Remain Resilient As the Network’s Upgrade Approaches
  • ZCash Trading Update by @cryptopassion

🗞 Governments Not Taking Bitcoin Disruption Lightly, Says Citigroup CEO

While Wall Street heavies publically shamed bitcoin and its users, Citigroup is taking a more nuanced approach. In a wide-ranging interview at a futuristic conference in New York City, its CEO describes in detail how his firm, the fourth largest bank in the United States by total assets, just behind Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and JP Morgan Chase, will confront the world’s most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/governments-not-taking-bitcoin-disruption-lightly-says-citigroup-ceo/

🗞 Cracks Appear as Critics Label Bitconnect a Ponzi Scheme

To its founders, Bitconnect “is an open source, peer-to-peer, community-driven decentralized cryptocurrency that allow people to store and invest their wealth in a non-government controlled currency, and even earn a substantial interest on investment”. To its critics, Bitconnect is a pyramid scheme that rewards early adopters and leaves stragglers holding their bags. While cynics might argue the same of many cryptocurrencies, evidence is mounting that Bitconnect is guilty of greater malfeasance.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/cracks-appear-critics-label-bitconnect-ponzi-scheme/

🗞 Thai Bank, IBM Complete Joint Blockchain Pilot to Augment Contract Management Process

In a press release, Voranuch Dejakaisaya, the bank’s chief information and operations officer said,

"We started conducting test runs of the pilot project last year and the results have been satisfactory. The goal is to digitize the paperwork process, store document contents with authentication and approval information in the Blockchain-based database, and expand this service platform across the bank and our subsidiaries."

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/thai-bank-ibm-complete-joint-blockchain-pilot-to-augment-contract-management-process

🗞 Bitcoin Gold Sets Sunday Date for Cryptocurrency Release

Bitcoin gold is set to go live this weekend.

In a new blog post, the developers behind the fork of the bitcoin blockchain said that they would release a formal software client for download at 7:00 PM UTC on Nov. 12. Originally set for a public launch on Nov. 1, the project is backed by LightningASIC, a seller of mining hardware based in Hong Kong, as well as a community of relatively unknown developers.

Read more & Source : https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-gold-release-cryptocurrency-sunday/

🗞 Bitcoin Cash Markets Remain Resilient As the Network’s Upgrade Approaches

It’s been a crazy week for cryptocurrency enthusiasts as the digital asset ecosystem is still reeling over the canceled Segwit2x fork that was expected to take place on the Bitcoin network next week. Over the course of the past few weeks leading up to the planned 2MB Segwit2x hard fork, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) markets have doubled in value after hovering around $300 per BCH for weeks. Now the market has stabilized around the $625 region as the BCH network participants prepare for their own fork that’s just four days away.

Read more & Source : https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-cash-markets-remain-resilient-as-the-networks-upgrade-approaches/

ZCashTrading Update by @cryptopassion

Two days ago, I was talking to you about Zcash (ZEC) and about the break out which was in preparation.
Here is the chart that I posted to you 2 days ago :

Here is the chart that we currently have :

YESSSS, it was again a nice and profitable trade that I suggested to you !
You all know how I'm trading this kind of break out from a triangle but I will repeat it here :

  • You wait that we break one of the lines of the triangle (here upper line),
  • As soon as it is broken, you create a "Market buy" order to enter quickly in the move,
  • When you have the price of your buying trade, you fix your objective and create a "Limit Sell" order,
  • You wait that your objective is touched. You just need to keep an eye that we don't make a "Head Fake".

🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 9th💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 8th💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 7th💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 6th💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 5th💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 4th💰

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