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🗞 Daily Crypto News, October 7th 💰\\_News.jpg

  • Steemit Statistics & Big Data : End of September Update 🚀
  • Bitcoin Meets Netflix? Laolu Is Building a Lightning-Powered App for That
  • Governments Eye Blockchain in Their Creation of National Identity Systems
  • Stox Acquires CommoLogic and Its Gambling Licenses to Become Fully Regulated
  • Swiss Vocational School Lucerne University Accepts Bitcoin for Tuition
  • BTC Trading Update by @cryptopassion

🗞 Steemit Statistics & Big Data : End of September Update 🚀

Thanks to ALL of you, Steemit is growing fast!

We reached 15,4mn visits in September ALONE.

There is an important difference between total visitors to a site and unique ones. In this case the 15.4mn include the multiple times a person visited the website. Therefore, as a good Steemian you probably connect everyday which will make you count for a total of 30 visits.

Therefore, how many "unique users" does Steemit has?

I] Traffic

Daily Steemit Traffic

Click here to look at the Full Steemit Data Analysis

Read more & Source: @vlemon/steemit-statistics-and-big-data-end-of-september-update

🗞 Bitcoin Meets Netflix? Laolu Is Building a Lightning-Powered App for That

A principal developer of the Lightning Network, Olaoluwa "Laolu" Osunokun is understandably interested in tools that could be made possible by bitcoin.

But while most developers have been focused on ironing out bitcoin's much-discussed protocol-level problems, Osunokun is taking a notable step in that he is actually considering launching a production application on top of the network. Despite the volatility of the scaling debate, and the uncertainty of just how many forks there will be, Osunokun is going so far as to conceive of a video app that could disrupt the traditional digital advertising model, one he believes is possible with tools available today.

Key to realizing his vision has been recent updates to the bitcoin protocol.

Following the activation of Segregated Witness (SegWit), which went live on bitcoin in August, the Lightning Network is now closer to launch, meaning apps that rely on the need to process high volumes of transactions could soon be built on the network.

The Lightning Network, then, as developers like Osuntokun have realized, could be the solution.

Osuntokun told CoinDesk:

"The value is that I can essentially create a bounty off-chain or on-chain for a particular piece of media, whether it be an image or video. The structure outlined requires zero log-in or sign-up, as the payment itself acts as spam prevention."

The benefits

One of the more interesting claims Osuntokun made is that Lightning Network offers an easier interface for developers to work with than bitcoin's "layer-one." For instance, developers don't need to "worry" about other bumps that only occur on bitcoin, such as "unconfirmed" and "chained" transactions.

As such, Lightning offers developers the ability to add a payment method to their projects more easily, he said.

Osuntokun explained:

"Constructions such as HTLC-DASH really show the added utility things like Lightning add to bitcoin. I think we'll see the community continue to explore the new applications and use cases that Lightning unlocks for bitcoin."**

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🗞 Governments Eye Blockchain in Their Creation of National Identity Systems

Various governments around the world are planning to use Blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT) in their bid to establish a national identity system in their jurisdictions as of early October 2017. These systems are intended to be safe and secure and can be used in both public and private transactions.

The need to create said systems is driven by the susceptibility of existing systems against various risks like identity theft. An example is the case of consumer credit reporting agency Equifax, whose latest data breach has resulted in the theft of personal data of over 140 million individuals.

While Segwit2x's proponents and detractors permeate social media channels, there's been comparatively few statements from the group working on the software.

Countries and states using DLT to establish national identity systems

Several countries are piloting the use of DLT to create their own national identity systems that span the private and government sector. Among these countries is Singapore, which is eyeing a system that would expand beyond the functions of its existing citizen account for e-government services called the SingPass. The initiative is part of the Singaporean government’s smart nation program.

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🗞 Stox Acquires CommoLogic and Its Gambling Licenses to Become Fully Regulated

A lot of people will recall the Stox ICO. Although not everyone invested in this initial coin offering, it got a lot of attention due to the endorsement of legendary boxer Floyd Mayweather. It turns out there is a lot more to this platform than a lot of people originally assumed. More specifically, the company has made an acquisition in a bid to become the first regulated ICO prediction project. It’s an ambitious goal, to say the least.

Regulation and ICOs Remain an Odd Mix

This latter company may ring a few bells for those involved with the iGaming industry, but otherwise, it is still a relatively unknown entity. However, the acquisition serves a clear purpose, as one would expect, even though it may not necessarily produce the outcome people had originally envisioned.

To put this into perspective, the acquisition of CommoLogic turns Stox into the first regulated ICO prediction platform. As part of this acquisition, the ICO team gets their hands on a total of three different gambling licenses, which is never a bad thing.

One license is a software license in the UK, the second is an operating license in the UK, and the Class 4 B2B license applies to Malta. It is evident these three licenses were the main reason for this acquisition, even though CommoLogic may be beneficial to the acquiring company in multiple other ways moving forward.

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🗞 Swiss Vocational School Lucerne University Accepts Bitcoin for Tuition

On October 3 the Swiss public vocational school, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, announced it is now accepting bitcoin for class tuition.

Lucerne University: “Disseminating Knowledge on Cutting-Edge Technologies”

This week the vocational science and art school Lucerne University (Hochschule Luzern) has announced it will be accepting bitcoin for services. Lucerne is a well-known college that was founded in 1997 and offers courses in both English and German. The school specializes in education dedicated to financing, international management, economics, music, art, animation and 2D/3D design. Lucerne details that cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is currently a focus of research at the school for “continuing and executive education programmes.” Because of these research programmes, Lucerne believes its only natural to accept bitcoin to gain a better understanding.

Getting Familiar With Cryptocurrencies

Lucerne further details that the payment processing firm, Bitcoin Suisse AG, is facilitating the university’s bitcoin payments. Bitcoin Suisse AG is bearing the “risk of any exchange rate losses and currency fluctuations,” explains Lucerne. However, Lucerne observes the school’s students will incur a payment fee of 1 percent which is significantly lower than traditional payment rails

The Swiss Vocational School Joins the Growing List of Universities Accepting Bitcoin for Tuition

Lucerne is just one of the many universities that have announced accepting bitcoin over the past few years. Just last year the University Business School ESMT Berlin started accepting bitcoin. Other well-known colleges that accept bitcoin for tuition and school supplies include the University of Nicosia, King’s College in New York, and the University of Cumbria.

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BTC Trading Update by @cryptopassion

The BTC did follow exactly what I foreseen in my previous publication here. We tested the resistance line that I traced but we didn't break it.

So now we are little back and we will try to test it and break it again soon. There is also always a risk that we drop a little more and go back to the support line (bottom line) to go up after and brake the resistance line.

🗞 Daily Crypto News, October 6th

🗞 Daily Crypto News, October 5th 💰

🗞 Daily Crypto News, October 4th 💰

🗞 Daily Crypto News, October 3rd 💰

🗞 Daily Crypto News, October 2nd 💰

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