I'm Calling It Now, June 1st, This Will Be The Year Bitcoin Becomes Mainstream

This a bold claim but I'm making it. Bitcoin, by the end of this year, will push the threshold into the mainstream. There was an analysis that said bitcoin would be worth $2,000 who is now saying it will go up to $10,000. I want to be that guy when it comes to predictions. I am not a market expert, though I am good with numbers, but my expertise is more human nature and people so I'm making my prediction based on that. There are several reasons I think this and they take place in different locations around the world.

  • July 1st It Becomes Legal Tender In Australia

Another big country is making bitcoin legal. This, should, lead to another spike in the market and another country where bitcoin will be accepted. That is more people talking about it and trading it.

  • July 1st Japan Is Removing The 8% Tax

This is happening the same day that bitcoin becomes legal in Australia and could be a great mix to propel the price. Another crazy push of price and it will hard to right the coin off as a fad.

  • 5000 Bitcoin ATMS Are Planned To Be Set Up In Europe This Year

That is a lot of atms. The point isn't just the access to the atms but the fact that they will be visible through-out the continent. They will probably have, in some way, the word bitcoin written on them. This can lead to people thinking about the coin, researching the coin and as there is a direct way to cash their bitcoin, think that the coin is a solid established network.

  • 300,000 Stores Can Be Accpeting Bitcoin This Year In Japan

The same way that the atms will get people talking about bitcoin, having it accepted in stores should lead to an increase interest in the coin. How many people will see there friends buy something with bitcoin? How many merchants will have to learn how to accept bitcoin? That is if it already isn't popular in Japan.

  • India And Russia Might Legalize it Soon

I have seen these countries pop up around bitcoin news. If one of them legalizes it, that is yet another big country that accepts the coin.

  • The Market In China

Three big exchanges in China have recently allowed users to withdrawal their bitcoin after a holding period and the price is going up, up and up. Here is an article with more info and a link to the news story:


All these events together, globally, will help to push the coin into the mainstream. And if the price goes up to $10,000, it will probably be a hot topic that will not be ignored. The only piece missing is the US and if an ETF gets approved or something happens there then it is game over.

Any more news you want to add to this? Let me know in the comments.


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer: @whatageek/my-steemit-account-where-i-stand-on-bots-self-votes-and-multiple-account

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