Giselle Koy has invited me to speak at the March Conscious Media Festival

You may remember the interview I did with Giselle a few months ago down in Austin, Texas.

Now I get the chance to meet all her friends at the Conscious Media Festival!

Things like this can't be planned too far in advance, so I thought I'd tell you about it now.

(Especially since I've never seen my smiling face on a nicer poster!)


For reference, here’s a list CMF 2018 speakers:

Regina Meredith, Conscious Media Network, GAIA
Daniel Pinchbeck, Author of “How Soon Is Now?”
Giselle Koy, Conscious Media Festival
Lee Harris, Lee Harris Energy
Toni Lane Casserly, CoinTelegraph (Joan of Arc of Bitcoin)
Joe Martino, Collective Evolution
Sandra Walter, Ascension Guide
Adam Schomer, HEAL
Mark Mueller, Mueller Law
Dan Winter, Enlightenment Engineering
Diane Porchia, HEAL
Stan Larimer, Godfather of Bitshares
Rion De’Rouen, Team Light
Dylan Howard, Sovereign Hero

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