Four Ways To Become Another Steemit Blogger No One Cares About


It is a disturbing thought, isn't it?

You are spending tons of time working on your blog, but you can't quench that feeling that no one cares about your content.

Heck I am not even sure this post would get read

What makes you different from other thousands of bloggers on steemit?

Everyone is doing the same thing, cranking out lots of post everyday, going around Steemit Chat and Discord promoting your content, and the most frustrating of all- chasing Whales.

But Nobody Cares.

Readers have seen it all, everything you have to offer is a click on Google search. You have nothing unique to offer so why should they follow you and read your content ?

Well that is a good question, and the problem is there is no answer in sight.

Maybe you are reading this post hoping I will provide you with an answer.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I won't.

Not because I don't want to, but the fact is that sometimes, you need to understand what not to do before you know what to do.

Here are four ways to be a mediocre blogger on steemit , check whether any of your sins are listed here.

Begging For Followers.

Even after talking about this, I am very sure someone will commit that sin on this very post.


Because some people don't read post they comment on, they just open a post scroll to the bottom and write this:

Nice Post, I Followed You, Please Follow me back

Apart from unjustified flagging ,nothing annoys me more than this on Steemit, and the funny thing is that followers you get in this way would not read your posts or upvote it, because to them you are just a statistic - One of the people who they are following, and I am very sure you won't read their post either because you don;t really know what they are blogging about in the first place.

Badly Formatted Post

There are people you come to their posts and wonder if their computer keyboard lacks a space bar and an Enter key.

They have words flying all over the place with no proper alignment. You should take time to study the Markdown Instuctional kit to know how to format your posts better.

Agonising About The Power Of Whales

Now this one is a soft spot, now a lot of people spend all they going from post to post lamenting of how unfair the system is.

I am not saying you should not speak up if you see a Whale abusing power, I am saying that you should not be the one to constantly complain of how Whales are making a lot from their posts.

The truth is that there will always be difference here on Steemit, there will always be Whales, and they will always make more due to the fact that they have been here for a long time and some of their followers are whales too.

This is not about Self Voting, that is a different issue all together.

But spending all your time online complaining about the unfairness of the system will not help you.

Writing Shit Posts

Now this is a major sin, I have seen a Steemian who posted the same video three times a day with different titles, now this is unhealthy for your blog.

There are also people who post irrelevant things just for the sake of posting.

You have to know that your blog is an extention of you and what it contains shows how you live your life, indulging in such behaviours will make people see you as an unserious or lazy person.

If you have made some of these mistakes in the past, do your best to correct them and also never lose faith in yourself because your best is yet to come.

You have what it takes to make it.

Just be Original

Thanks for Reading

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