How To Get Value From Your Blog Posts After The Seven Day Payout Period


A lot of good content are laying fallow on Steemit.

Majority of the amazing post being published on this platform are abandoned by the owners after they make that initial steem from It.

But why do that when you can get so much returns out of one piece of content?

There is power in repurposing content.

Repurposing content is like creating passive income. You do the hard work once, and you continue to reap the rewards of your labour

When you are repurposing your content, it is basically the same Idea used in a bunch of different ways, now people have different way of learning, there are people who prefer text while some like videos, while a simple infographic will do well for some people.

The advantage of this technique is that you can repurpose any type of content. Articles, videos, checklists—you name it.

So if you feel you blog posts are powerful enough to get added coverage, here are some ways to repurpose your content.

All this techniques listed below can be a way of marketing Steemit to the outside World


Youtube Videos

Videos are a great form of passing along information, especially in hot topics like cryptocurrency or life.

The one thing about videos is that they are very easy to watch, share, and save for later.And apart from Youtube, you can make short clips for Instagram.

The process gets easier when you repurpose content as video .How-to videos are very popular, and the potential of you getting high engagement and shares are high if you produce high quality videos.

How to posts and List posts are great examples of content that can be converted to video.



@dragonslayer109 did an amazing series on writing last month, that is an example of content that can be compiled into an Ebook.

My Blockchain Blogger series can also be converted into an e-book and it is something I plan to do in the no distant future.

Now if someone told you write an e-book, you’d probably be confused on how to start.

But if you check your blog, you probably have an almost completed ebook sitting there.

Another form of content that can be compiled into an e-book is the daily quotes that @sandstorm posts on his blog, apart from dropping quotes he shares his personal insights and that makes it very inspiring.

If you have a personal blog and readers look at your site for the first time and see an offer for an ebook. They will come to see you as an Authority in your niche.It is something that can bring you value.



Podcasting is becoming increasingly popular. Yes the radio is coming back. It is no secret that innovation happens in cycles

Podcast listeners are mostly those who are always on the go, they may not have time to watch videos during the day, so they can be doing other things while listening to the information they need on their i-pods.

A great blog post (like this one), can be repurposed as a podcast.

So get out those amazing blog posts In your blog and make them alive again.

There are different platforms where you can share your podcast including iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and Podbay. And with each platform you use, you’re sharing your content with a new audience.

Just make sure you drag them all to Steemit.


Recycle Content On Steemit

Posts that fall into this category are what I call evergreen posts, these are post that constantly needs to be posted, like "Guides for New Steemians".

These kinds of posts are always relevant and needs to be posted often.

They also often need a bit of an update to become relevant again. It’s worth it to take a look at your archives and see which posts need a touch-up or two.

You can change the title, update the post with new facts and figures and also add more relevant and substantial content, this has to be done on a new post since you cannot edit a Steemit post after seven days of publication.


Social Media

If you get it right social media can do wonders for your blog, a good number of Steemians got to know about Steemit through Facebook and Twitter especially during the time we were campaigning for the BTCC Exchange adoption.

A huge population of the people on other social media are still unaware about Steemit, and it will be very valuable to the community if we can get them on-board the Steemit Train.


Repurposing content is very vital as it helps eliminate one of the worst pitfalls of blogging which is stale content.

You should think of your content as water, they can take any form and shape and also get improved over time.

So the next time you create a piece of content,always remember to revisit it down the road.

Be expecting the Blockchain Blogger E-book soon, it is a project I am working on.

Which of these channels is your favorite way of repurposing content, share your thoughts in the comments below?

Thanks For Reading

Read My Last Post : Are Your Blog Posts Missing This Vital Ingredients ?

Image Source : and Google Images

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