Get the Blockchain Glam Rock Song and Do Good!

Here is the promo video for my Glam Rock song 'Blockchain Etenity':

You can do good by donating money to a charity if you buy the MP3 for Steem Dollars or Bitcoin. All profits go the BitGive Foundation which uses Blockchain technology and digital currencies to bring transparency to the world of charity. 


BitGive is running several charity projects themselves, and they are launching a new platform for all charity organisations which uses blockchain technology to track donations.

If you want to buy the song with Bitcoin, please go to this page.

If you want to pay with Steem Dollars, please send one Steem Dollar to my account @aaronkoenig and add your email address to the Memo field. I will then send you the MP3 via email. Please be patient, as I have to do this manually. 

Paying with Bitcoin will be faster, as I am using Satoshibox, an automated service for the delivery of digital content. I hope there will be a similar service based on Steem soon!

You can find the lyrics of the song, credits and more information on my website.

Here is my post about the shooting of the music video.

Here is my post about the creation and recording of the song.

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