Shooting the Blockchain Eternity Video

Last weekend we shot a promo video for my Glam Rock song 'Blockchain Eternity' at Espacio Bitcoin in Buenos Aires. Yesterday we edited it. Both shooting and editing was good fun!

The video will be quite simple: I lip sync the song while playing guitar in the lobby of Espacio Bitcoin, the cool Bitcoin embassy in the heart of Buenos Aires.

Anyway, I think it will be quite entertaining. As always when I am in Buenos Aires, I work with my friend Sergio Ruestes, who is a very gifted cameraman and editor.

Here we are checking if my dance moves go well together with the music. You might see that I am using some black eye-liner. But that's the only reminiscence to Glam Rock (which John Lennon once defined as "Rock'n'Roll with lipstick on"). No lipstick for me, please!

Here Florencia, who sings backing vocals, gets her make-up done by Romina, Sergio's wife and right hand. Besides being the camera assistent and make-up artist, she also performs in the video as the second backing vocalist.

Romina and Florencia on a balcony where they sing and dance. Aren't they gorgeous?

In addition to our own footage, we could also use some material that was shot at a Mannequin Challenge in Espacio Bitcoin last week. Here you see Chris Guida from Texas and me "frozen" during a table football match.

We plan to launch the song and the video on December 8th on Please follow me to be sure to get all the updates. 

By the way, the quiz to win the song is over. The correct solution: Velvet Underground

This famous band from the sixties was discovered and temporarily managed by Pop artist Andy Warhol. Their lead singer and guitarist Lou Reed wrote the song Waiting for the Man that I quote in Blockchain Eternity.

Velvet Underground filmed by Andy Warhol. Sergio is a much better cameraman...

While in the original the lyrics are 'I am waiting for my man, twenty-six dollars in my hand', I changed that line to 'Are you waiting for your man? Twenty STEEM dollars in my hand'

Congratulations to all those who knew the correct answer!

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