BEST OF STEEMIT! + @axios' Bed Head Rant [EP1]

Happy Saturday Steemit friends!

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So last night and early this morning I had this interesting realization...

That realization was pretty epic for me and you can watch my video at the bottom of this post to find out what that was.

But in a nutshell, it reminded me to appreciate the gifts in my life that I already have.

And you know what those gifts are?

They are you guys!

All of you! So many of you whom I have connected with, shared ideas and strategies with, and shared support with. Y'all are what make this place - and the intensive posts that I share - well worth it.

With that being said, I wanted to get a bit more personal with this post and share a bunch of fun and interesting things with y'all! (...and yes y'all is a real word now... I moved to Texas 3 years ago and finally got my license to say it loud and proud lol)

First off:

I'm going to share with you a few of the awesome Steemians that I ran into this week! I've got some really great posts from them that I'm excited to share.


I'm going to share some of the things that have been interesting to me in my culture lately: my favorite song, show, and book I've been exploring this week!


I created a video for y'all that kind of sums up everything and is the reason for this post! I call it the bed head rant cuz my hair was EPIC this morning lol


Part 1: My Favorite Steemians and Steemit Posts This Week

The Most Courageous Post



Earlier this week @dreamdiary posted a picture of herself, without a filter, without smiling, showing a part of her acne that she wasn't proud of - but she did it so vulnerably and courageously. The post was really about her commitment to being real and honest here on Steemit, and I really resonated with it. Social media can have a really negative impact on us if we let our ideal image take over and govern how we present ourselves. I loved how @dreamdiary has taken initiative to essentially say (in my own words) fuck that and is doing it her own way. Be sure to check out her content as she posts regularly and it is always something interesting or inspirational, often within the realms of law of attraction!
Dreamdiary putting herself out there: @dreamdiary/just-a-diary-6-steemit-helps-me-to-deal-with-my-lack-of-self-confidence.

A Post That Made Me Giggle



@tanata immediately took her post to the next level by demonstrating how to use the SMART principle (specific, mesasurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) to "rule the world with exploding kittens.” She goes in depth and gives you the tangible know how to accomplish this noble deed. I was literally laughing throughout my read and it brought a big ol' smile to my face. @tanata posts all kinds of interesting stuff in the realms of psychology, motivation, nutrition, alternative lifestyle, and more! Definitely a Steemian worth following :)

A Wonderful Connection



I randomly connected with @amethystrosee after reading one of her posts. We ended up creating a huge thread via our dialogue which led us to move it to a discord channel. This actually was my first real discord chat with someone from Steemit so I really appreciated that sort of connection. We had some great conversations around a variety of topics and I really enjoyed the company. I want to publicly encourage her to keep at it because her channel is fantastic and she's got a lot of great wisdom to share with the world. @amethystrosee specifically shares within the realm of interior design, spirituality, and art. If you're into any of that stuff, give her a follow!

The Most Creative Post



@polebird is, as her name suggests, all about pole dancing and flying! She's an incredible dancer as you'll see in her recent post and her dream is to fly like a bird someday. Who doesn't want that? I really loved her vibe. It's pretty clear that she loves what she does and has a lot of fun creating here on Steemit. She's a big d.tuber so you'll find most of her content on there. If you're looking for someone whose going to share a fun and upbeat perspective, check her channel out!

The Most Impressive Comment



I was blown away by @heathersilvey's response to my interactive inspiration experiment last week. So much so that I needed to include it in this post because it deserves recognition (and clearly it stuck out to me!). Heather not only read my article, but she participated in the exercise and provided a truly thoughtful and in depth response that could have easily been a blog post within itself! I loved the Hermetic quote she shared:

"...Hate may be transformed into Love, by changing its polarity. Courage may be transmuted into Fear, and the reverse. Hard things may be rendered Soft. Dull things become Sharp. Hot things become Cold. And so on, the transmutation always being between things of the same kind of different degrees. Take the case of a Fearful man. By raising his mental vibrations along the line of Fear-Courage, he can be filled with the highest degree of Courage and Fearlessness." - The Kybalion by The Three Initiates

If you check out Heather's channel, you'll quickly realize that she's quite a wise soul and has an abundance of knowledge to share. If you're looking for more quality spiritual and artistic individuals to follow - she's your gal!

The Most Helpful Steemians



@Qurator is an awesome upvoting service on Steemit that I discovered via one of @jerrybanfield's posts (which I'll reference shortly). I love this service because they take the time to review every account that applies and ensures that the Steemians they are accepting are putting out quality content. I'm a big fan of this because it really gives incentive for Steemians to up their game, which in the long haul, benefits this platform tremendously. Along that line, their discord support service is top notch!

And that brings me to my next most helpful Steemian:



@ewkaw was EXTREMELY helpful and patient with me as I asked her a 1,000 questions about how to get going on @qurator lol. She (and I'm assuming it's a she, @ewkaw please correct me if I misinterpreted) helped me tremendously to get me going in the right direction and always responded super quickly. I went to check out her channel and she posts GORGEOUS pictures of flowers and all kinds of nature. If you're into photography, it's definitely worth checking out.

I discovered @qurator and @ewkaw through @jerrybanfield who created this epic post called "The Top 25 Steem Posts".



That article was super helpful as there are at least five in there that specifically talk about how to accelerate your growth here on Steemit, especially if you are a minnow. I found a ton of useful new strategies and principles that I now utilize every day. If you've never heard of him, @jerrybanfield is a well known whale on Steemit that is extraordinary helpful for people who are new to Steemit. He is hands down the go to source for Steemit users and has earned his witness vote from me! Check out this other INCREDIBLE airtable post with his HUGE ASSORTMENT of useful Steemit info.

Part 2: A Few Of My Favs

The Song I'm Listening To Right Now

If I had to give you one song that really gives you a good idea of my vibe... I'd say it is this one for sure. I've been totally obsessed with this song the moment I heard it and it's most definitely my theme song for the beginning of 2018. We are all just kids in the end, aren't we? I teach people how to remain childlike in Austin via the improv organization that I lead down here and thus, I DO believe we truly are just kids in our purest form.

The Book I'm Reading Right Now

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This book is incredible and super interesting. It's written by @timferris and is composed of hundreds of interviews from some of the most influential people on the planet. He asked them all a variety of the same questions and documented all of their responses. I've only just begun, but thus far this book has proven to share loads of valuable insights and perspectives that are wide-ranging and quite practical. Thus far my favorite quote is actually from Ferris himself. In reference to how to ask the best question he says, "Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask." I personally have found that questions (whether directed towards someone else or yourself) can open some amazing doors in your life. The better you are at asking amazing questions, the better you will get at receiving amazing answers.

The Show I'm Watching Right Now

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So my girlfriend is really into dark shows, which I've learned to find more value in, especially over the past few months. This show that I'm recommending is a british-based dark comedy show that, at first, I didn't think I was going to like. It's about a boy who is infatuated with killing things and expresses his desires to kill another human being. He ends up meeting a girl that then changes his whole perspective and essentially, heals him in a variety of ways. The entire journey is really fun to watch and the character development is FANTASTIC. It really reminded me of the show "Love" (on netflix) and also the movie Juno. If you like any of those, you'll likely enjoy this one!

Part 3: And Finally... My Bed Head Rant

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Y'all are amazing. I love you all! ~@axios

Interested in becoming the greatest version of yourself? Looking for practical tips and strategies to get you there? I produce high-quality content within the realms of empowered psychology. If you're looking for Steemit content that will give you that psycho-spiritual edge, then follow the @axios channel today. You deserve to be your very best!


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