I already got my MRI results and it is not very encouraging (see attachment). The spine Doctor advised me that I need to have a surgical operation within 2 to 3 weeks from now to clean up the mass enveloping my thoracic spine and attache a titanium to stabilize it.

The doctor further said that if I don't get the required operation within this time frame, the discovered mass may grow and spread to my heart and lungs which can be life-threatening.
The operation won't make me walk again as I already got cerebral palsy since birth but restore my lower body to once before where I can kneel, move my legs at will, restore sensations, lie on my chest without pain, crawl around and go to the bathroom by myself, and do away with the back pains.
The titanium alone will cost nearly 200,000 Pesos ($4,050), excluding medicines, the doctors’ professional fees and my stay in the hospital.
To those who are kind-hearted while reading this, I am humbly asking for your help. The income and savings from my online job as SEO specialist and blogging are not enough to cover the hospital costs. I need to keep working as my income pays for most of our daily needs and my father is jobless and has not yet obtained his pension.
Any financial help or assistance from individuals or charitable medical organizations will be highly appreciated. Please upvote and resteem.
Thank you and God Bless.
Follow me as @darthnava: "The Will to blog post is stronger than Steem."