Bahbahrabuddycontest - Week 3 - Drink

Hi Bahbahra! My name is Dopey Dog, and I don't believe we have met. My buddy Hamish the Scottish Blackfaced Sheep decided he was too camera shy to participate this time. Besides, he is still heartbroken that you didn't choose him as a penpal. He will get over it, but it will take time.
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Image © Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved.

It's just as well I had my morning cup of coffee this morning before Hamish whispered in my ear. He's a buddy you know, and I gotta help out my buddies, because you never know when it will be my turn to ask for help!
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Image © Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved.

So, here I am at lunch time trying to decide whether to have a drink of water or that green stuff. I'm leaning towards the water, because I don't really trust drinks that are green. Uh oh! what does that cat want?

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Image © Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved.

Zion is whispering in my ear that the green drink is flavored with chicken and beef and liver and…. I don't trust that cat! Green stuff means veggies – probably kale. Yuck! What did I do to deserve a cat like that? I'm going for the water!

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Image © Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved.

What the.....? Can you believe what that cat did to me? He yanked me by the ear and carried me off! The nerve!
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Image © Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved.

Thanks @tattoodjay for this fun contest. Read about it here

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it.

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