A beautiful time of my life (Ichthyology studies - Salmonid species spawning workshops)

Hi guys, 

I want to share with you one of the stories which occurs during my university studies (Ichthyology - fish science). 

November 19, 2011.  

Picture of me carrying European bullhead which is under protection  (Latin: Cottus gobio, Linnaeus, 1758). 

We went to Słupsk, Poland with a group of student from my University of Warmia-Mazury in Olsztyn for Salmonid species spawning workshops to learn how it is in practice. It was few days of theory lectures and outdoor practice in field (regional rivers).

On the second day we went to one of the local rivers to capture few migrating trouts ( Troć wędrowna , Salmo trutta m. trutta ) alive to mark them with telemetrical trasmitters.

 After we caught enough fishes we used anesthetic to calm them. We measured them and applied each one of them telemetrical trasmitter into their stomachs with extreme caution to not harm them.

After marking the fishes we went to look for the fishes which were preparing to spawn. Most of the Salmonids like the trouts we are talking about, they build the nests in shallow waters with the gravel base to protect the eggs from flouting down the river with the current and being eaten by other species on fish or water animals. 

We found some of the nests or fishes which were still building them and we measured them and marked them with GPS to create the map for protection projects. By that time we were using simple app for cellphones or tablets "Locus" (pro version for androids).

 Here you have some photos of me and my friends measuring, marking few pretty big nests of trout.

It was one of the best workshops I ever had during my university studies.

All those workshops are still available for students in Park Krajobrazowy Dolina Słupii (Landscape Park of Dolina Słupii).

 STEEManians I want to especially thank for supporting: 

@gregbit @margaretwise @glitterfart @hilarski @anahilarski @thearcanebear @edekadam @mynameisbrian @jga @choogirl @linzy13 @cecirod1218 @bibek @codypanama @donofa @fishdad

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