An Interesting Way of Looking at Knowledge and Achievement 馃寑 and the Secret of Ra (Evil.)

I was listening to the CBC radio for a few minutes today and heard an idea put so concisely that I had one of those; "why didn't I ever so clearly summarize a similar thought?" moments. I began listening mid-way into the programme, so I don't recall hearing the philosopher's name so as to credit him. But his idea, or observation, was really rather simple, and would be a very effective self-improvement tool...

His basic premise:

  • Noble Knowledge: When I'm seeking knowledge, I should strive to have my mind resemble reality.
  • Noble Achievement: When I'm seeking achievement, I try to engineer reality to resemble my mind.

My take is that I suppose what must accompany the former is primarily self-honesty and the ability to measure what I perceive. While for the later, one again requires the ability for honest introspection, but also to accurately translate thought into word, and if required into action.聽

Where the show did not take the discussion, is to the idea that to achieve either a high degree of self-honesty, accurate measurement of reality, and/or the ability to translate thought into word, what may in fact be the best implement, is to possess and be able to recall a vast vocabulary.

We all know the expression; "Use your words!" And we all know the feeling of not being able to convey an idea or emotion in that critical, hopefully not penultimate moment before; Impatience, Frustration, Anger, or Violence - G-d forbid! But if I can learn to trust in my ability to communicate my thoughts and feelings effectively, then my willingness for self-honesty (expressed or not) will increase as well. Since it is self-honesty we are looking at in this instance, it is irrelevant if the other(s) hears or perceives my statement, its honesty, or its degree of veracity.聽

In other words, along with a desire, it is vocabulary and language alone, that allows us to look and learn inside of ourselves, inside the world, and to change it all...

Sidenote!~ I learned from a kabbalist from Tzfat that in respect to knowledge as above, the Hebrew word for evil is; 专注 "Ra." This is because in this word, the letter called "resh" () and meaning "head," proceeds "ayin," () which means "eye." I.e. The head comes along first, and tells the eyes to see what it wants them to see, rather than what they actually/could potentially see...聽

Language is Stagnation's, Ignorance's and Evil's least favourite weapon to face...


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