5 Ways To Increase Your Followers And Their Engagement On Steemit

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Find your own niche

Find something you like and specialize yourself in that area. It will be easier to stay motived and come up with new ideas, you will also learn and grow over time.

People know what they are getting for following you.

Consistency is key

By using consistency, you are not susceptible to highs and lows in your motivation. Because however you feel you will be writing a post. Of course, the quality can differ depending on how you feel. But even then, you overall quality will improve over time.

People know exactly what to expect. If you post at the same time every day. If it is morning, midday or evening for this person they will know when your latest post is out.

I post my photos one by one, for me every photo has their own story, this means I post more often. I try to get out 8 posts per day, 1 every 3 hours. 50% of my posts I dedicate to community photography, mainly my contests. I try to get out my daily top 10 winners every day at 12:00 and 15:00 UTC. This way people that participate or just enjoy watching the wonderful photography created by Steemians know exactly when it is available. Also, my 14 contests are spread out over 7 days and repeat on a weekly cycle.

Quality over quantity

You need to give something to the viewer in order for them to appreciate it and/or actually follow you. This is how you convert viewers to followers. There are multiple ways to give something to the viewer: you can either learn them something, entertain them or reward them.

Tutorials are a great way to learn users something, especially when little to no information is available on the subject. Or the complexity of the information available is too high.

Blogs, videos and photos are perfect to entertain people, especially here quality is important to stand taller than the large amount of competition.

Steemit is made to reward people. You can either send Steem/SBD directly to people, maybe host contests, or even better using your daily voting power.

Engage with your audience

Get to know your followers, this is a social media platform after all. Especially when you do not have a large following yet this is super easy to do. This becomes more difficult as you gain more follows. Always read all of the comments on your posts, try to comment to them, upvote genuine comments and also leave comments and upvotes on posts from users you like.

By rewarding genuine comments, people feel both appreciated and motived to put more time in the comments they leave. This also means, you want to be as genuine is responding to comments.

Use exposure from larger users to your advantage

Depending on your niche there may be contests available for you. By participating in these contests, you will learn and grow, while also exposing yourself to the followers’ base of this user. Since they are already following this person there is a high chance they also like your content.

Besides contests you can also respond to their content, it is likely likeminded people are in the comment section. Get to know each other, you like the same thing after all.


Monday: foodphotography and animalphotography
Tuesday: landscapephotography and cityscapephotography
Wednesday: architecturalphotography and vehiclephotography
Thursday: macrophotography and colourfulphotography
Friday: streetphotography and travelphotography
Saturday: sportsphotography and smartphonephotography
Sunday: goldenhourphotography and longexposurephotography


If you like my content and contests please follow & upvote to further support photography on Steemit

Useful links

My posting template
Photography contests FAQ

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