Help me spend 100% of my voting power in one session!

As a Redfish, who can only dream of one day becoming a Minnow, my vote is not worth much. Perhaps $0.03 on it's best day for a 100% upvote. That kind of falls into the "it's really the thought that counts" category in all honesty... I mean, nobody is getting rich off my votes!

That said, I have always made an effort to have my upvotes register as something greater than $0.00. That's tough to do because it means I can place only 10 full upvotes in one day, or 20 at 50%, and then anything less than that may fall into the "dust" category.

I stress a lot over it. I always intend to get to way more people than I actually manage to. I worry if I've offended some key supporter, and I often hold up to 20 people's profiles open in browser tabs for days, hoping to get to them. There are some accounts that I always try to support with 100% upvotes - @petals and @monochromes are two because I try to enter one of their contests each week, and I feel they should be supported. If I enter any theme or photochallenge or any contest, that's another automatic 100% upvote to the host. There are also people who for personal reasons will always get my 100% upvote.

So... what's a poor boy to do? Well, I will be offline for a full week while travelling. That's long enough to regenerate my voting power from ZERO back to FULL. I've never let it go that low. I'm below 70% right now.

I want to make a game of it. I want to go from 100% down to 0% voting power in one session before we leave for our roadtrip next week.

Can you imagine how much fun it will be to blow the whole thing in an hour? So you understand - that's seventy 100% upvotes in an hour. Those votes will stop being worth anything at all about halfway through the session, but still, what fun!

Even this could be stressful... I mean, I know more than seventy people... How should I do this? Get back to me in the comments if you have an idea. I want this to be fun! Maybe a contest of some sort. Or, I could just go down the @pixresteemer page hitting every post with 100% until I hit empty.

How would you burn through all your voting power in one hour??? 100% to 0% in one session!

+++ And Now For My Lame Joke Of The Day +++


An imagined conversation...
"Did you loan junior the keys to the cruiseship?"
"Yes I did, why?"
"Well, don't look now, but he's parked it in the wheat field. Again..."

Please be sure to check out my latest posts, thank you!

* Mule Deer, Baby Osprey, Howitzers and West Coast Baseball.... Must be TreeTuesday!
* Symphony Splash 2018 ~ Don't Miss The Cannon Fire!
* Sublime Sunday Goes To The Library

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