No, not the regular library... the FREE library
Walking around the neighbourhood this morning with Cathy we noticed the number of Free Library boxes has been increasing. We love these little "take a book, leave a book" boxes, and we often find interesting items in them.
This one has a semi-official look to it. Made by an institution...
Elsewhere, we notice poeple have started building these things on their lawns. This one has a shabby look to it and isn't used much.
NOT built by an institution of any kind.
The next one is a little better presented, also in someone's yard.
On the sidewalk below there was some additional bonus material...
Love these posters: Sale (Of the garage type)
We couldn't figure this one out... if you gotta ask, it might not be for you!
Back to the Library boxes... someone put a lot of work into this one.
Even more elaborate!
With the doors open.
Time to head for home
The smell of breakfast cooking at the coffee shop makes my mouth water
Let's grab some cream for coffee. One block to go!
And now for something completely different, a guessing game:
Who can solve this difficult equation: "Five Golden Rings + 4 = " If you can guess what this is, let me know in the comments below!
This is my entry for #SublimeSunday by @c0ff33a. Thanks for coming along. Have a perfectly sublime Sunday my friends!
Please be sure to check out my latest posts:
* International Tourists: Try Showing Some Class! A RANT!
* Fireworks For Monomad
* Happy Vacation @Petals!
* The Swiss Barbershop and Alien Abductions ~ Two Photos for #Monomad
* A Day Late And A Dollar Short!
* MonochromeMonday ~ E-Type Jaguar ~ Film Noir Style
* Sublime Sunday ~ Dinner ~ Sunset Harbour Walk ~ Wizard and Gnome sighting