Adventures in Nemaland - Part 9 - Magikarp Evolved(video)

Magikarp evolving last night was unexpected. The resulting Gyarados is pretty huge. I've seen others in the game and they are a lot smaller. The Magikarp it evolved from was pretty large compared to others as well. Sadly this happened off stream. I will be using him tomorrow though cause he is so big that I feel it needs to be done.

The stream was actually me getting trolled by lava a lot.. but I trolled back, even had a fail troll where i fell in my own trap. I had fun though, can't say I didn't. I gathered a lot of resources and plan to feature some new Items on tomorrows stream.

I was also wanting to show off my Armor stands as I have almost a complete set of the Pixelmon evil team Armors. I am just missing Neo Team Plasma armor. It happened, but only because I made time to go back to the house during the stream and forgot to mention them completely. Scratch is a very impatient boy. Yes he is a boy, I showed him my part 8 article and that was his only response to it.

I will have it tomorrow. I allowed ScratchPlayzMC to join me on the stream while hunting for diamonds. That is him in the above screenshot next to the Armor stands. I am the Handsome, Blue faced man in the Brown Robes.

I also devised an efficient mining method for finding diamonds, down on layer 10. They spawn at the highest rate here, I found over 40 last night. Most were used to make new diamond pickaxes to build the mines with. Scratch also built an automatic smelting machine for my castle. It is on the right side of the screenshot featured above with him and myself posing with the armor stands.

All in all it was a pretty good night, other than being set on fire a few times, but I did get him back. I set him on fire a few times with my flint and steel. He also tried the oldest trick in the book, catching someone away from their computer and boxing them in with Obsidian. That wont work on most servers as the player can just spawn out like I did. This happened on the stream.

I'm @kingarbinv and if you enjoy my articles, please follow me for more.

Previous in the series:
Adeventures in Nemaland Part 8 My best Pokemon catch so far.
Adeventures in Nemaland Part 7 Lets Burn Heracross
Adeventures in Nemaland Part 6 Video
Adeventures in Nemaland Part 5 Video
Adeventures in Nemaland Part 4 Video
Adeventures in Nemaland Part 3 Video
Adeventures in Nemaland Part 2 Video

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