I Never Thought Being on The Run Could Be So Much Fun!!!! When The Swedish Government Throws You Lemons, You Make Lemonade In Finland!!!

It's a shame we had to leave Sweden in such a hurry with the CPS hot on our heels, but we are not the type to sit around a feel sorry for ourselves.
onwards and upwards. never look back. today is what matters and
today we are free!

We are back where we belong ON THE ROAD AGAIN!!!

We never planned on being in Finland but exploring new countries is what we do best and when you have been travelling on and off for the last 4yrs the road starts to feel like home. We love the nature and if there is one thing Finland has in abundance its nature, we found a lovely spot right next to a beautiful woodland and set up camp for a few days.

Time to go foreging for some Organic blueberries.

My girls can sniff out a blueberry from a mile away, our boy, on the other hand, doesn't have to as he gets a steady supply from his big sisters.
We were hoping to get some Cantarella mushrooms too but I think Mr Moose beat us to it as all we could find were some inedibles, after admitting defeat on the mushroom front we turned our attention back to the berries which seemed to be everywhere you looked.

Attracting some wanted attention!!!

In Sweden we tend to get strange looks and even stranger questions from the general population but the Finnish seem to be a bit more open minded and friendly when they stumble across a Tinyhouse family, we got a lot of wonderful feedback and at one point we had a crowd of people who had never seen a tinyhouse in real life and were generally amazed by our lifestyle.

Children should be seen AND HEARD!!!!!

After a day of chilling and eating tonnes of blueberries we decided to go for a walk to see what we could find.

DING DONG!!!! part of travelling is being surprised and expecting the unexpected so when we stumbled across some old church bells you can imagine the look of amazement on the girl's faces, "Daddy Daddy Daddy, Bells Bells Bells!!!!

Time to spread our wings and fly like an Eagle!!!

We are back where we belong, free as a bird in the sky, free to fly in which ever direction we please and no one can threaten us into submission or tell us how to raise our kid's anymore. You only get one shot at this life and we don't plan on wasting a single minute, who knows what the future holds and who cares? living life in the moment is all that ever really matters. Join us as we embark on the biggest adventure life has to offer.

We will leave you with some more pics of our adventures in Finland and don't forget to join us in our next post to see where this boat takes us :)

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Peace and love to the World




This weeks highlights from the eco-train.

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