Teach Your Children About The World, Not Just From A Book.


There Is No Better Way To Teach Your Kids About The World Than To Let Them See It For Themselves.

We home educate our children because we believe they can learn more about the world by letting them see as much of it as possible, we also believe we can teach them what's really important in life, like love, family and all that nature has to offer, stuff they DON'T teach you in school.


Don't get me wrong, books are great and there is a lot to learn from them but I believe, that more than half of their education should come from Experiencing what the world has to offer, from embracing the different cultures, hearing different languages and tasting all the flavours of the world.




There are some things you just can't learn from a book, like what it feels like to look down at the clouds from 3,479m up in the Sierra Nevada, Spain.


Chasing snakes in Andalusia, Spain.


Chasing seagulls on a Beach in England.


After all that fun then it's time to get the book's out and we find that they are a lot more willing to learn from a book as they know it's only a small part of their education, as opposed to only being taught from books and ipads like at school.


I don't know anyone on this planet that could say what we are giving our children is anything other than an amazing life experience that they will truly benefit from in the long run, but that's exactly what the Swedish government is saying, in fact, they are going as far as to say that what we are doing is child abuse and that we are denying them their right to a proper education.

What do you think my fellow steemians, are we really abusing our children?


Peace and love to the World


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