DILEMMA - Fiction vs. non-fiction?? ...Am I prisoner and slave of my own brain ??

Hello Steemians! I need your advice :)


I guess we all know that sweet feeling when a group discussion, you can say "I've read a book about this and...". Boom, suddenly they all stop talking over each other and now you're the king of the situation, you're the educated one now. But can you say "I've read Harry Potter last week...." and get the same reaction?

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The above example perfectly describes my dilemma about what kind of literature should I read. In today's world, there's not much time for books and therefore I always want to be sure I'm reading something beneficial for my life. I'm struggling with decision whether a fiction literature also enriches me in some major way or is it really just almost a "waste of time"?

(Over)thinking part

I'm wondering if the quote from my role model Ido Portal in this video talks exactly about me.

Information is toxic, it's addictive and we run after it, but at some point it turns on us, it paralyses us, it freezes us up & it doesn't allow us to continue learning and it's not anymore a contributing factor for our development.

I know there are so many awesome fiction books which could just take me faaar away from all the daily so called problems. They could take me to magical lands full of dragons and fairies where flying is as normal as talking. Or they could take me to the battlefield where Earthians and Martians are fighting an enemy aliens from neighboring solar system. Exciting stuff...And yet, I'm here, drinking my coffee and reading about history of bitcoin, apporaching age of artificial intelligence or some auto-biography of an important figure in human history.

Who is in charge - you or your brain?

This makes me think - might be, that I'm really trapped inside my own knowledge-hungry, appreciation-addicted mind, which constantly WANTS MORE? I'd love to hear from you what your take on this problem of mine is. I've been denying myself to endulge in fiction books for years now and despite liking the non-fiction literature I read, I'm wondering if I'm not restraining my right hemisphere from its food. Use it or lose it ...

Picture source

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!


You can find my latest posts here:

  1. DROPSHIPPING mania. How people passively earn thousands of $$$ and why I find it DISGUSTING...!!
  2. Pullup CHALLENGE for 7.5 SBD [ EVERY entry gets REWARD in SBD!] - Most pullups, 380 seconds
  3. [Today in History #5] 20th March - Theory of Relativity, Republican Party founded, John Lennon & Yoko Ono married
  4. Can travelling get cheaper than this?
  5. Writing down notes after jiu-jitsu practice

Mother tongue version

Cavte ludia, potrebujem Vasu radu :)


Vsetci urcite pozname ten sladky pocit ked uprostred rozhovoru s kamaratmi mozme povedat "Cital som o tomto knihu a pisali tam, ze...". Boom, zrazu vsetci stichnu a my sme zrazu krali situacie, my sme ti, ktori su v danej teme vzdelani. Ale mozme povedat "Minuly tyzden som cital Harryho Pottera..." a dostat od kamaratov rovnaku reakciu/pozornost?

Zdroj obrazka


Hore uvedeny priklad krasne demonstruje moju roky pretrvavajuci dilemu ohladom toho, aku literaturu by som mal citat. V dnesnej dobe nemame vela casu, ktory mozeme stravit citanim a o to viac si chcem byt vzdy isty, ze to co citam ma obohacuje. A ako uz aj tusite, neviem sa rozhodnut ci je citanie beletrie na nieco uzitocne, alebo je to len strateny cas.


Rozmyslam, ci tento citat mojho idola menom Ido Portal v tomto videu rozprava presne o mne.

Informacie su toxicke a navykove a zenieme sa za nimi, no existuje bod zlomu, kedy nam vedomosti prestanu prospievat, zastavia nas, nedovolia nam dalej sa dalej rozvijat a tym padum uz dalej nemaju na nas zivot pozitivny vplyv.

Na papieroch mam poznacenych tolko zaujimavych knih, ktore by ma mohli zobrat daaaleko od takzvanych problemov. Mohol by som ist do magickych krajin plnych drakov a vil, kde je lietanie tak samozrejme ako pisanie.
Alebo by som sa mohol zrazu ocitnut na medziplanetarnom bojisku, kde pozemstania a martania spolocne bojuju proti invazii civilizacie zo susednej planetarnej sustavy. Same zaujmave veci...A napriek tomu tu sedim pri kave a citam of historii Bitcoinu, nadchadzajucej ere umelej inteligencie alebo autobiografiu vplyvnej osobnosti z minulosti.

Kto ma kontrolu - my alebo nas mozog ?

Rozmyslam - moze naozaj byt pravda, ze som uvazneny pod nadvladou mojej vlastnej, na uznani zavislej a po vedomostiach hladnej mysle ktora chce STALE VIAC? Rad by som vedel, co si o mojej situacii myslite a ci ste niekedy mali podobne otazky ako ja dnes. Vpodstate si uz par rokov zakazujem hocijaku beletriu a napriek tomu, ze si citanie literatury faktu uzivam, nie som si isty, ci neochudobnujem svoju pravu hemisferu o ziviny. Bud nieco pouzivas, alebo to zabudnes a stratis...

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Diky za precitanie a dajte vediet co si myslite!


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