[Today in History #5] 20th March - Theory of Relativity, Republican Party founded, John Lennon & Yoko Ono married

Hello Steemians! soo what do u think, was today an important day in the history?

Einstein presents theory of relativity (1916)

  • Einstein presented his theory which is basically questioning and eventually also replaced a Newtonian mechanics. Two main points coming from the teory also easily understood by wide public are that gravity is the result of an object's mass deforming space around itself and that no object can travel faster than speed of light .

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Republican Party founded (1854)

  • As a leftover of former not as much successfull Whig Party, big Republican Party was officially founded on this day in 1854. They quickly earned a big support in North and just 2 years later, their first presidential candidate won in 11 of 16 Northern states. 4 years later, Abraham Lincoln won the election and became the first republican nominee to become the president of United States of America. It didn't took much and a big American Civil War known also as North vs. South broke out. After 16 years of war, Republicans have lost the control over South but eventually established as one of two main parties in USA. Their successful nominees in presidential campaing are for example are Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, George Bush junior and senior (:D not sure if you call them that way) and even current president, infamous businessman and retard Donald Trump.

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John Lennon & Yoko Ono married (1969)

  • One of the most iconic couple in the pop culture of seventies tried to get married several days earlier in Paris but failed. Afterwards, they booked a charter flight to Gibraltar and managed to marry there during a brief 10-minute ceremony. These events alongside their previous trip to France are documented in John Lennon's and Paul McCartney's song The Ballad of John and Yoko
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Honorable mentions

  • 1815 - Napoleon enters Paris after escaping from Elba and begins his 100-day rule
  • 1800 - Alessandro Volta reports his discovery of the electric battery in a private letter
  • 2016 - Barack Obama visits Cuba as a first American president since 1928

Thanks for reading!


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Mother tongue version

Hello ludia, tak co, zvedavi co sa dnes stalo v minulosti? Ja som bol...:

Einstein predstavil teoriu relativity (1916)

  • Einstein dnes predstavil svoju znamu teoriu, ktora spochybnila pravdivost a casom aj nahradila dovtedy axiomaticky uznavanu Newtonovsku mechaniku vo fyzike. Dva asi najdolezitejsie body Einsteinovej teorie, ktore su aj pochopitelne pre beznych lajkov su, ze gravitacia je dosledok toho, ze hmota telesa deformuje priestor okolo seba and ze ziaden objekt sa nemoze pohybovat rychlejsie nez rychlostou svetla.

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Zalozena strana Republikanov (1854)

  • Postavena na pozostatkoch Whig Party, velka Republikanska strana bola oficialne zalozena dnes v roku 1854. Strana rychlo ziskala popularitu na severe a uz o dva roky postavila do volieb svojho prveho prezidentskeho kandidata. Ten dokonca vyhral v 11 zo 16 severnych statov. 4 roky neskor uz Abraham Lincoln vyhral volby a stal sa prvym republikanskym prezidenom Spojenych Statov Americkych. Netrvalo dlho a velka americka obcianska vojna znama aj ako Juh proti Severu zacala. Po 16 rokoch republikani stratili kontrolu nad juhom krajiny ale nakoniec sa napriek tomu ustalili ako jedna z dvoch najvacsich politickych stran v Amerika. Znami prezidenti z ich radov su aj Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, George Bush junior a senior (:D) a dokonca aj aktualny prezident, kontroverzny podnikatel a debil - Donald Trump.

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John Lennon & Yoko Ono manzelia (1969)

  • Jeden z najikonickejsich parov popkultury sedemdesiatych/osemdesiatych rokov sa zosobasil len par dni po ich prvom neuspesnom pokuse o svadbu v Parizi. Hned v Parizi si zabookovali obycajny chartrovy let do Gibraltaru, kde sa zosobasili pocas jednoducheho 10 minutoveho obradu. Tento pribeh je dokumentovany aj v Johnovej piesni s v spolupraci s Johnom McCartneym The Ballad of John and Yoko
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Spomenutiahodne udalosti

  • 1815 - Napoleon vstupil do Pariza po uteku z Elby a zacal jeho 100 dnove panovanie
  • 1800 - Alessandro Volta pisomne informuje svojho priatela o jeho objave principu elektrickej baterie
  • 2016 - Barack Obama navstevuje Kubu ako prvy americky prezident od roku 1928

Dik za precitanie!


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