[Blog #7] Share Your Childhood Story | Update, Bike in the Park & Story

Hooray Readers! How are you? Passing by to update you on some things and to share a small story.


Sup guys, how are you today?

I'm passing by to tell a quick story and update you on some things.

  • FIRST I'll be away for most of the weekend, so don't feel abandonned if I don't answear comments, you know I love you all! The reason is good though! I'll do a small bicycle tour to a small town near by, that means some crazy story will come right after hahahahaha
  • SECOND I've been struggling with time, I have so many insaaaaaane stories to tell you, but time.. Where are you my friend?
  • THIRD enjoy this small story of my childhood and don't forget to share yours, if you'd prefer to write a post with your best childhood story, please, link it down below!

So, why I wanted to share this small story in the first place?

Because today I went out to buy some spare parts for the bike, for tomorrow's ride, and on the way I decided to take a relaxing moment at a park we have here.

While slowly cycling inside the park, to find the perfect place to rest, below the shadows, I was thinking about that place. To be honest, I pass through there quite often, but I've never taken the time to do an in depth exploration. Actually, the last time I've walked in there was when I was a kid, my parents used to take me to that park.

- I have e feeling that his place was bigger... but the lakes seem to be the same... - I was thinking.

The place is called Baroness Park, in allusion to the generous woman called Amélia Anibal Hartley Antunes Maciel, which became the official resident in the house around the year of 1887 .

If you don't mind some history, I'll translate from the official web site the history behind the park.

THUMBThe original house.

It all started  when those lands were bought by Colonel Aníbal Antunes Macial, in July the 10th of 1863, with the intention to gift his son Aníbal Antunes Macial, by ocasion of his wedding in August of 1964, with the young woman called Amélia Hartley de Brito.

The couple became remarkable back then, by their generosity and great humanitary spirit, by the way they treated those in need, contemplating them with food and donations. They also gained respect by releasing their slaves in 1884, years before the official slavery ban (Lei Áurea), fact that gave him the title "Tres Serros Baron" by decree of Imperor Dom Pedro II.

With the death of the Baron in 1887, and the Baroness transfer to Rio de Janeiro in 1889, the lands continued to be inhabitated by one of her daughters, Amélia Anibal Hartley Antunes Macial, The Baroness.

The incredible personality of this lady made the farmhouse known as "Baroness Solar", heritage listed in 1985.

Source.: http://www.museudabaronesa.com.br/

So you may be thinking... What does this have to do with Arthur?

Everything! The Baroness Solar is now a park in the middle of a 300.000 inhabitants city, a place where you can find some fresh air to relax before going to work.

THUMBhow not to relax in a place like this

Ok and where is the childhood story, you bastard!

Well... In the 90's when I was a young little crazy boy my parents used to go there on the weekends, possibly to fulfil the need to take me outside of the house to an open space, where I could not annoy them.

Little did they know that, in the park, I'd annoy them in double! I remember going up the 'caves', climbing those rocks like a lizard, entering the tunnels and thinking that I was some sort of king in medieval times.

THUMBThe 'gigantic' medievel castle.

THUMBMy favourite climbing spot in childhood .

Then I'd beg my dad to go 'explore', to walk through the woods to find the lakes. Those walks made my mind go nuts, I felt like going inside some serious jungle, where animals could attack and indians would jump on us with their spears and bows.

I would say I was quite creative, and I still am. I believe all those small stories of when we are kids help build what we are today and give and idea of what we want to be in the future. If I like to travel and go on adventures today, it's all because one day my parents  instigated me, by visiting such places.

When I was cycling inside the park today, it wasn't smaller, it was exactly the same as it was. However, when I was a kid everything felt bigger, the imagination took me to extraordinary places, even when I was actually just at a park.

That's how you can be positive and happy in your everyday life, you just need to imagine things as the best, the coolest, the most incredible.

I see many people complaining that they wanted to travel to super incredible places around the world, yet they can't just contemplate what they have inside their own city.

Is traveling exactly their problem? Or they could simply start to change their mind sets?

I would love to hear your childhood stories, be it simple or complex! Feel free to share it down below or to link a post that you've written or plan to write. I'll do my best to reward you for the participation.

If you liked this small text, feel free to leave an upvote for a hot coffee.

~ Love ya all, Arthur.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Brazil, Adventure Stories, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tunned for more info and tips.


[Blog #1] Adventure with Dad | Exploring day, Guards and Work

[Blog #2] Small Venture | Bike training, Lake & Funny Pic

[Blog #3] Small venture | Bicycle ride, Old bridge & Mud

[Blog #4] Bike Training | Beautiful day, 32 km ride & Strava

[Blog #5] Bike Training | Morning routine, 30 km ride & Small Accident

[Blog #6] Bike Training | Rainy weather, 33 km ride & Ideas for the Future

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