PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD -My inspirational writing for the mid week

There are people in this world who only care about you while they use you. People who take advantage of you, shamelessly. And you let them. You haven't the slightest idea because you believe. Because, intelligent as you are, they still know better, they are smarter than your 6th sense. And hoodwink your goodness and good faith.

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People who know you well, but only care about your value, not your worth. That use you like they use a thing. Who are as cruel as good actors, and when they no longer need you, go away and forget you ever existed. As they have never met you before.

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But, you know? Beyond the sorrow, the disbelief about all the rest, learn to move forward, turn the pain into a shield, not of war, but of strength and hope. Regain strength and make it a flag, a weapon of kindness. Of understanding, of peace. Think that was nothing personal, they are just that way.
And breathe of relief by being different.
For seeing the value of those who are really worth.
Worth is priceless, it's not meant to be bargained or negotiated.
Neither to be put on sale.


Photos: #frommybalcony, East Timor.
Taken with my Canon EOS 5D MKIII, edited with Lightroom.

​Have a wonderful end of the week, my friends.

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