Response To @merej99 The Story Behind My Username And Why I've Kept it so long.

In her last post @merej99 picked me as part of the #nameinlights initiative started by the very talented @williambanks ( I highly recommend you check out both their work if you haven't already).
In her post, Meredith wondered why I have chosen the name phoenixmaid as in the 4 years she's known me by it, we haven't discussed it.

Meredith's awesome artwork
check out her post to see the finished picture

I'm sorry to say that the reasons behind it are quite mundane although not the type of mundane a lot of people think, I don't live in Arizona and not that type of maid. The amount of guys who try to work that into a chat up line is really quite depressing so I will say it once

I don't care how hot and messy it is, you made the mess so clean it up yourself!
PS... keep your pants on, cleaning products and bare skin are a bad mix

Moving swiftly on from that mini rant

Way back in 1997 at the ripe old age of 16 and a bit. yahoo asked me to pick a username as my mum screamed.

"Don't you dare put your real name in that thing!"

I've always been fascinated by mythology especially mythological birds, so Phoenix was the first thing to come to mind, yahoo said it was taken I added the maid and that was it, I officially existed on the internet and have used the name ever since.

Although it was a throwaway spur of the moment thing it's a name I have grown to identify with strongly over the years. Being a single mum then widowed at a young age, along with many other big life crises, have at times left me in the darkest of places. So typing my username became a constant reminder to stand up take a deep breath and keep going when I need it most.

Thank you @merej99 for the great artwork, for featuring me, the kind words but mostly for being a great friend. I know we haven't met but girl you had me, the moment you burst into that fictional bubblews boat party in a hairkini.

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