300 Followers! I appreciate you all so much so Thank You!!


I like to celebrate the milestones. I celebrated 100, 200 and now 300 followers. Not everyone likes to do this but I do. I could've waited until 500 to celebrate again, by why? I am happy and wanted to show my appreciation to all of you who follow me.

Anything new between 200-300 followers?

A few things are new. I always like to put a post up daily, the only time I missed that was last night when Steemit was offline for a while, even though I stayed up until 5 am my time hoping to get it up. That was a hard little thing to deal with, as like I said trying hard to get a post a day up.

I also launched a new Art Contest. It's only been going for a couple of weeks now but it has been super fun so far and I love art in all forms, even though when it comes to visual Art I am not very good at it, but I enjoy it. So, I thought the Art Community deserved a little bit more fun, recognition, and of course who couldn't use some prize SBD right? I was so happy to see so many people entering even the first week, and I must say that DAMN, Steemit you have a lot of AMAZING ARTISTS on this platform. You all inspire me and yet awe me at the same time. So, THANK YOU to all of those that have participated and will in the future.

If you want to look at this week's Contest here is the LINK

Who is topkpop?

For those of you who don't know me, or don't know me well, then welcome. For those of you who have chatted with me or followed me you will know quite a bit what I am about, but just in case let's touch a bit on who I am.

I am Myself

I blog about things like K-pop.
I write fiction and occasionally poetry.
I love music, especially K-pop right now.
I love to sing.
I like to write kids stories as well as take my own pictures and even make videos of those stories as well as the voiceovers.
I am honest.
I am caring.
I am exactly who I portray on my posts and my vlogs.
I love to laugh.
I am a mom to an amazing kid.
I love video games. I mainly play on the Wii U at the moment because of my kid but I love playing XBOX ONE games.
I love to dance.
I love to inline skate and kickbox.
I've shared some personal experiences of my life on Steemit so you can get more of a look into who I am.
I want to try my hand at writing lyrics.
I enjoy video editing.
I know how to sew and have made a few of my own clothes, and plan to make some more.
I can be goofy & silly
I tend to spend way too much time on discord :P

There is much more I am sure I just can't think of anything additional at the moment.

Thanks again to all my followers

I truly appreciate that you took the time to check out my blog, upvote my stuff if you did, and follow me.

I have met so many wonderful people here on Steemit and have been made to feel so welcome in this community. I am doing my best to make sure that others I come across feel that way as well. Let's continue to make Steemit a great place, Together.

As usual, Stay Awesome Steemians!



Check out some more of my recent posts

How I am getting more people onto the dark side

Proof BTS deserves to be the TOP K-POP group

The Art of Not Putting your foot in your mouth

Friendly Frankie - Part 1: An original Kid-Friendly story (part 1)

Friendly Frankie - Part 2: An original Kid-Friendly story (part 2)



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