The Meaning of Chinese New Year / 春节


Chinese New Year, aka the Spring Festival, is almost upon us. As an international student studying abroad, I have not had the opportunity to celebrate for a number of years. So seeing the Chinese New Year short films make their way around social media again this year made me especially pensive.


To a lot of foreigners, the Chinese New Year seems like a big and long party - full of fun, food, customs and fireworks - or an extended version of the American New Year. But the festival actually entails a lot more than that. It is the time of the year when the extended family puts work away, gather together and celebrate as a family. For me, the true meaning of Chinese New Year is reunion and family.


It's hard to explain in words, so here are a few short films or ads produced by Singaporean and Malaysian companies that captures it. These are the equivalent of the Christmas adverts of the Western world.

The Reunion Dinner / 回家過年 (2013)

This is set in Singapore. They are speaking Hokkien, a Chinese dialect, for most of the film as well as Mandarin Chinese and some Singlish (Singaporean English).

片中用上了方言 (闽南语), 中文和新加坡式英语。新加坡人说话时常把不同语言混合一起用。

Wander with Wonder by Traveloka (2018) / 与奇迹漫步

"Sek Fan" by BERNAS (2012) / 吃饭

"Sek Fan" is Cantonese, spoken by people from the Guangdong area in China and Hong Kong, and it means "let's eat" in this context.

"Sek Fan" 是广东话。意思是“吃饭”。

And a funny one... / 还有一个幽默的

Watching all these make me feel like going home for the new year!


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