Running Matters #14

"Go beyond your limits "


Limits are there to be surpassed

Whether it was running or looking into career possibilities, I have decided and worked towards increasing my personal limits. Last week has been a real whirlwind of ups and downs. It all started on the weekend that was a bit longer than normal due to Pentecost or Pfingsten as it’s called in German. As Switzerland is a religious country, this is an official day off from work.

During this weekend I had to do a 16 kilometer run, which I dreaded a bit, however I ’bit’ through the pain and pushed myself to new limits. I felt extremely satisfied afterwards and I took this moment with me throughout the rest of the week.

With the same reasoning I sought help from my doctor on Tuesday to help me steady my nerves and get some regularity in my sleep and build up my confidence again. The tablets seem to do the trick and I start to feel more rested again.

Yesterday I spent some time looking into opportunities to get a diploma in IT. Doing this will stretch me to new limits and I have to put a lot of time and efforts into this, but the feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment should outweigh all my doubts and this should really help my future career prospective. It will be a strain for my family and everything else, but on the other hand time flies and in the end I’ll have a recognised Diploma in my hands.


My highlight of the week!

My highlight of the week was overcoming myself in my run on Sunday, the moment that inspired the rest of my week and the way I want to progress towards my own future. My head was playing with me and I put those thoughts aside and gave a great performance for myself.

My posts last week:

a Selfie during my special run on Sunday at the village entrance

Vote for me as your witness

If you want more information about what the witness is about, have a look at my post Swisswitness is Alive!

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