Best Time To Post: Part 2

With my previous post What Is A Good Time To Post? I tested a theory about when would be the best time to post. I focused on the US because all my post are in English so I figured that I would get the best results when the US was online. The purpose was to have maximum exposure and get as many views as possible.

The theory is that around 8PM EDT (3AM CEST, 5PM PDT) will be an ideal time to post because most people will be home from work, done with their chores and ready to get their Steemit on. My post would have an exposure of 6 hours until 12PM PDT (9AM CEST,3AM EDT), my assumption is that at that time the US west coast will call it a day and get ready for bed.

I posted my blog using Streemian at 8PM EDT (3AM CEST, 5PM PDT).

For those that don't know about Streemian, this is a handy tool for (among others) automating curation, voting, and scheduling posts.

What Time IS IT-.png

The results

At the time my post was submitted, I was fast asleep but when I woke op 4 hours later the post had received 27 views, 6 remarks and 7 upvotes. This may not seem like much but the post I submitted earlier that day (brilliantly written of course) The Impact of Exclusives On Gaming at 8.30PM CEST (2.30PM EDT, 11.30AM PDT) had only 18 views. I received less upvotes on my experimental post compared to my earlier post but that has more to do with bots voting at 0% and 1% ( on the post I submitted earlier I received 12 comments and 45 upvotes).
The blog I posted earlier that day had been on Steemit 6,5 hours longer and I also promoted that post in Steemit chat to get more upvotes.

So It seems like my experimental post actually had more exposure than the post I submitted earlier that day (27 vs 18 views).

It is also interesting that the views and comments all happened directly after I posted. After 3 hours the post stopped getting views, comments or upvotes.

The Follow-up

I am intrigued by the results and want to continue experimenting with posting at different times to determine which time is the most effective to post.
I will follow up with 3 additional tests and compare the results.

- Step 2:
This post will be the opposite of step 1. I will post this at 9 AM EDT (3PM CEST, 6AM PDT). This means that the post will have exposure during the day in the US until 12PM PDT (9AM CEST,3AM EDT). This leads to a total of 18 hours ! of exposure in the US. Added bonus is that the Europeans will be waking up at the end of this cycle, so it will be interesting to see if the post will get some additional love from the Europeans.


- Step 3: I will post this around 4PM EDT (10PM CEST, 1PM EDT). I have had my best results with posting in the afternoon (CEST) in the weekend so I wonder if I can reproduce this with posting in the US at the same time (in the afternoon during workdays).

- Step 4: This post will be submitted at the (in my opinion) worst time: 3AM EDT (9AM CEST, 12PM PDT. I expect that this post will do the worst but it will be interesting to see the end results.

Overall Results

results step1.png

I have received some interesting feedback about this test. Please keep it coming and let me know your thoughts on the matter.

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