GK's Reality Cheque


Hey Friends,

I wanted discuss something that came up in the minnow tank. I hear some people say "I spent 5 hours writing this post, it should ..." perform better, pay more etc.

The point is, people feel a disconnect between the amount they are making and the amount of effort they put in.

This is a problem in so many walks of life.

  • Careers
  • Relationships
  • Friendships
  • Businesses

The key is to make the work, work for you.

If you hate writing essays, dont write essays.

Instead try making a vlog, a podcast, a cartoon, a drawing, painting, photo blog etc...

Regardless of what you do, people will surround them selves with content that speaks to their interests and needs. Sometimes you're bound to miss the mark. As you'll see below, "GK's Trip to the Moon" didn't make the cut, however I feel like 1 out of 6 is pretty good odds.

To that end, I'd recommend against posting content solely with the intent to gain profits. The key to gaining interested followers is by connecting with them on a personal level, and that means offering some knowledge, something personal, or entertaining

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