Developer Bounty: Split Blog into Blog and Resteemed 💰 $50 SBD + STEEM/SBD Author Payout From This Post 💰

In my Attention: Calling All Developers - Let's Polish The Mothership post, I encouraged more community developers to help out with some much needed enhancements to the website. I am happy to report that two of the seven features I suggested have already been completed and are live on the site!

  • A confirmation box before the UI "Resteems"
  • Display a user's "joined date" on their profile

In order to try and encourage more participation, I am offering a bounty to complete one of the remaining features. This is a highly desired feature by a lot of people, and it would add a lot of value to the site!

Splitting the "Blog" tab into separate "Blog" and "Resteem" tabs!

Technical Requirements:

  • In the profile section, there should be a "Blog" and "Resteemed" tab.
  • The "Blog" tab should only show the posts that the user authored.
  • The "Resteemed" tab should show the posts that the user Resteemed.
  • There should be a link to both tabs in the profile menu.
  • The order on the profile page and the order in the profile menu should be the same.
  • Both tabs should display the correct information when viewing data for the current user, and when browsing other users' profiles.
  • The code style and format should match with the existing code-base as much as possible.

Bounty Requirements:

  • In order to receive the bounty, the developer must implement the feature described above.
  • The code must be submitted to the GitHub repository via a "Pull Request". It is recommended to use GitHub issue 616.
  • The pull request must be accepted by the Steemit development team and pass all internal tests and code reviews.
  • The feature must be deployed by the Steemit dev team to the official website, making it available on the live site for everyone to use.
  • It is the developer's responsibility to ensure that the code meets all of the Steemit dev team's requirements, and make whatever changes are necessary in order for the pull request to be accepted and published to the live site. I have no control over what the Steemit development team will accept.
  • The bounty must be claimed by January 31, 2017. If the feature is not completed by this time, the bounty will be voided. An extension may be provided if reasonable progress can be demonstrated, although this must be discussed with me and approved by me ahead of time if it is needed.


  • The bounty payment will be $50 SBD + the STEEM/SBD portion of the author payout from this post.
  • After the payment period for this post closes, I will be exchanging any STEEM from the payout to SBD, using the internal exchange. I will make note of the final bounty amount in the comments after the exchange is complete.
  • If any other users in the community add to the bounty in the comments below, that transaction is between the person offering the additional bonus and the person who completes the bounty, unless they provide me with the SBD to hold and distribute as part of the official bounty reward.
  • It is the developer's responsibility to ensure that all the requirements in this post are met.
  • If you are unsure about anything, please ask.

Final Thoughts:

  • It is recommended that if you are planning to pursue this bounty, that you let me know in advance, and request in GitHub that the issue be assigned to you.
  • If you have any questions, you can reply to this post or contact me in
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