Bucket List Challenge~ 10 of them

Thank you @c0ff33a for posting your The Steemit Bucket List. Your post reminded me of @anjkara's post Before I die., where she had challenged me to @Dawnsheree's, I ♥ LIFE – BUCKET LIST CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, 'Bucket List Challenge' which was started by @nomadicsoul in her post, Bucket List Tag, as far as I can tell. 😁 How was that for some detective work?!

Now, this seems to be an easy challenge to do but you can look at it in a couple of ways.

The two ways being, stuff you want to do but you know really will never happen or things you want to do that could? maybe? might? someday? if you live long enough, you would be lucky enough to see happen.


You know there is always an or 😂 You can combine those two ways of thinking and use that as your base to form your list of ten things you want to see happen before you kick the bucket over and spill.

For a person whose daily goal is just to make it through another day with a smile and a few laughs along the way, it's an interesting challenge for me to think about at this point in my life but let's give it a try!

Bucket List

  • Live in Líbano, Tolima, Colombia, South America for a year with my son and Daughter in law. But in my own house/apartment/shed or some kind of building close by so we enjoy each other but don't get on each other's nerves after the first two weeks.

  • Teach everyone in Líbano, Tolima, Colombia, South America to speak English or they teach me to learn Spanish whichever one is easier but I'm thinking to teach them to speak English might be easier in the long run.

  • See the real Stonehenge

  • See The Grand Canyon and take the donkey ride down to the bottom of the canyon. I don't think you can even do that anymore but always wanted to do that.

  • Spend one week living in New York City. The heart of the City, so really that would be Manhattan. Add an extra day to see the statue of Liberty and tour of Ellis Island. Money, not a concern while there.

  • Buy a piece of land that is surrounded by a forest, build a house with a real fireplace, central air conditioning and have all new furniture that I like because I have never had new furniture. Oh, and it goes without saying I have my own computer room with all the best gaming systems.

  • Take my Mom on a trip anywhere she wants to go for as long as she wants to go.

  • Rent a huge cabin in the middle of nowhere for a week. Invite all the people I have met on Steemit. Have one huge kick a$$ party for a week. Of course, pay for all the travel expenses to and from there also.

  • Have a maid and a cook.

Number 10.

  • Lose the weight I need to, to be able to even dream of doing any of the 9 things listed above.

This ended up to be a good thinking challenge for me to do! Thanks for tagging me in it.

I'm going to tag @fiberartists, @brisby, @fireawaymarmot, @simgirl, @inthenow, @saffisara 😇



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