How To Design Our Lives! A Framework For Decision Making to Create a Better life (Step 3:Holistic Vision)

Holistic Life Design: A Framework For Decision Making to Achieve Freedom.

When in our culture are we taught a reliable process for decision making? In my culture and the ones I know of, this rarely happens...This is why I'm going to share with you a decision making framework that revolutionized the way I make decisions!

How I Make Decisions To Better Get What I Need

This amalgamation of processes helped me to fundamentally change my life. It assisted me in discovering novel and effective methods for meeting my needs, thus freeing up more of my time to play, love and create. This allowed me to spend more time designing a better world and a better me, which in turn helped me to make better decisions, which in turn freed up more of my time (a beneficial feedback loop).

This process is essentially a software update for the mind!

Yup, essentially like this.

These tools and mind hacks are not mine, merely ones that I have learned about and attempted to apply and adapt to my life. It has been incredibly helpful, even though I don't believe I have left base camp!

Invest Some Time

Sorry folks, this isn't a 'quick fix' scheme. When you update your software you need to stop what you're doing and reset!

This process gave me exponential returns on my time investment! Almost a secure as cryptocurrency ;)

When I first did this (when it had the most impact) was during a 2 week fast. I focused on this whenever I felt inspired during those weeks. However, I have seen people gain great benefit in an afternoon/evening dedicated to the process!

Each step builds on the preceding and previous steps.

So, don't hesitate to add more to step 1 or step 2 as we proceed to step 3.
This is a continuance of:
Step 1: What Do We Have
Step 2: What Do We REALLY Need

Step 3: Holistic Vision

Imagining the whole

Now that we have established what we have, and what we need, we need to create a vision to aim this process. The first step in this process is to decide what it is we're making a decision about. This could be a family decision, a business decision with others; or it could be designing our lives in general! For this example, we'll use the latter.

So, the question is. How do we best design our lives?

Part 1.0: Imagine

This is a fun one.

Here we begin with the end in mind.

What does our ideal typical day look like? (This is not an extraordinary day. Envision a day that would be considered 'the norm'.)

Our goal is to be able to design this life!

  • How do you wake up?
  • What do you do first?
  • What do you do last?
  • How do you eat?
  • What are your passions?
  • How do you maintain/enhance your body?
  • How/who do you love?
  • Break up your day into several segments, what are they?
  • How do you meet your basic needs detailed in the last steps?
  • What is the process for meeting more advanced needs?

Our power to design our lives is infinite! Don't hesitate to have fun here and to design your ideal life (no matter how absurd it may seem to you now).
However, this is also a 'typical' day. So, dramatic and extravagant events are best left out of this example.

Unless of course, your typical day is dramatically life altering... :)


Part 1.1: Clarify

Is this life meeting our needs?

Does the life you describe above meet the needs you addressed in the previous step? Ideally, we want a typical day to be meeting as many of our needs as possible. When we extend this out to a typical week/month we make sure all our needs defined are being met. If our needs are not met on at least a monthly basis, then they are not being met, and the vision needs refining.

Part 2: Collaborate

Are you the only one?

This may apply for personal life design, but it certainly applies to family or business designs.

  • Who else is involved in your vision?
  • Do they want the same vision as you? (It's surprising how few couples actually sit down and do a process like this, it would essentially solve the majority of relationship disputes!)
  • What are your shared values?
  • What are your shared needs?

Synchronize the visions. Get to a shared vision where all parties needs are being met. Here we untether ourselves from our current paradigms (lives can and do drastically change with this process). We forget about how we presently spend our time and we open ourselves up to the multitude of possibilities we have to choose our lives. So, have fun with this process and create a vision of your life that would ideally meet all your needs.

That is all for step 3

In the next steps we'll discuss how to leverage our capital to create our vision:

  • How can we better and more beautifully meet our needs with our current forms of capital?
  • Are there any needs that we can meet simultaneously with any given action?
  • What actions will meet our needs more effectively?
  • How can I use my current capital to better meet my needs?
  • How much time you may be spending not actually meet your needs (how many sins you may be committing)

(This may seem basic, and that is because I believe it is, it's about breaking it down to the basics. I found that a great majority of my actions were barely meeting my needs, which helped me free up so much time to better meet mine!)

This process takes a time investment to properly do and is an extremely powerful step all on its own!

These steps are typically found in life-building/design courses, (some courses cost thousands of dollars and weeks of dedicated effort). The benefits you gain following these steps is exponentially proportional to the capital (time) you invest! Fortunately, this knowledge doesn't cost anything else!

When you complete this step feel free to share in the comments your insights and ask any questions you may have! I would love to hear about some of your ideal days :)

Let us continue to grow in abundance!


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