A few tips for the amateurs for good dates, how to attract the women on the other side of the table. :):):)

Following my old post
Not in contradiction with it !!!
General tips:
So, in spite of everything you talk to, a woman does not like playing with her, she quickly picks up games, she takes in a second if you do not know what you want from yourself, if you're not sure of yourself, be complete with what you are.
!) Be ok with yourself, know what you want to do now and what you want to do with your future, the more you know what you want to do with yourself it will be more appealing to women and she will attract to you.
"But what will I do? I do not know exactly what I'm going to do!" Sometimes in the beginning of a relationship to fake a certain figure (of someone who knows what he wants from himself) to put the woman you want in your hand is something you have to do - you prefer the ball to be in your field and not in her field, am I right?

!!) Have we talked about emotions? Do you know how a woman will become addicted to you? A woman needs an amusement park of emotions, she needs opposites
Get closer - and then make a ten minute phone call (wait for you a bit :) :))
Flatter - and stop flattering (not forever)
Get excited about her - and stop getting excited about her (as above)
Surprise her-and stop
To annoy her-and soothe her
Now it is a little easier to understand the nature of the woman, a woman living from opposite feelings and feelings complementing each other.

!!!) It's important that you have a good mind in your head !!!
You are the gift, not the woman, she will win you if she manages to reach you! You gotta believe it, fake it till you make it.
Once they see this about you, the woman you will want in your life will come to you she will belive as well that you are the present, no matter how beautiful she is!

!!!!) It is important to be persistent in everything that is said here. It is permissible to reveal our personality - after all, we want to feel comfortable, but we have to do it slowly.
I like to call it "you first" you will contain her follies at first, then let her contain yours.

!!!!!) It would sound a little strange to some people (to me it would sound strange when I was single and first heard it)
Women love sex more than men, there are studies that show that in a woman during a sex her nervous system works eight times more than a man ..
You'll know this little secret, a woman who wants sex much better than you wish, they just know how to hide it well. :)
it makes everything easier when you know that she wants as much as you want sex if not more...

so we talked about everything very generally .. let's go to little more practical.

Specific dating tips for the confused:
So here are some tips on what to do on a date.

  1. Touching - a soft and gentle touch is a good thing, a touch that almost tickles because it is gentle.
    Combine gentle touch and a slightly more aggressive and masculine touch. These things convey to the woman on your side that you are able to combine delicacy with power.
    After touching (of course doing things elegantly) you can go to a phone call to the side or go talk to the restaurant waiter about something, leave her alone and make her want more of you .

  2. Let her talk about herself and be interested if you do not have much to say even if you do have what to say about you, let the woman talk about herself is legitimate, ask her questions about herself to make her feel feelings
    "How did you feel when this man treated you like that?"Respond in a practical way, if you think she was a bit weak, say it, do not insult her, but be honest, it will make the system of opposites work perfectly and you earn the honest that make you more comfortable.
    "Why did you leave this place?" don't try to guess her feelings about things a lot, most of the times just listen..
    It conveys to her that you are a thoughtful person who is not arrogant.
    Talk to her about her family(or peoples she loves or her dog) and see how she opens up to you quickly, try to produce in your questions as an emotion! wake up her good and bad emotions...

3)If someone starts to tell us something, we want them to finish saying it. After that person has finished saying what he wanted, we close a circuit in the nervous system if the person does not finish. Say something that intrigued us like "You do not know what happened to me yesterday!" and he goes to completely another issue without finish what he just started to say It can drive us crazy! In women it works much stronger, curiosity in women is very strong, if you do not finish 4-5 sentences on a whole date and continue to talk as if nothing happened, what will happen to the woman without That she knows she will be attracted to you in a way you will not believe
For example, "You do not understand what a special man I met, Oooo, here's the first dish," and do not finish the sentence ever!! lol she will make hard presure on you to finish this.. If she really insists, ask her what you'll get in return, be a teaser ;)
do it in a good way..
So what do you do when she sends you "good night babe" it depends .. If you gave her a lot of compliments already and a lot of warmth you can send "good night :)" without "babe" and just nice emoji
And leave that same girl awake for another whole night when she thinks of you :) (Do not exaggerate with the coolness) And if she asks you why you answered in a broken way, say you were a bit busy, "Why, did that bother you?")
If you feel that you have not given enough heat and she needs a bit more of emotions roller coaster that she came up with you then, "babe" can definitely help

If you have any more tips, write them down and I'd love to hear! Successfully!!!

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