DIY | Love Veggie Chips? Why buy them? | Save $$


Good Day my Fellow Steemians!

Nothing like a good plate of Guacamole and Chips, right?

Did you save that Juice Pulp that I mentioned in my last couple of posts?

What does that have to do with Guacamole and Chips? Well hold on…we’ll get to that in a minute.

This morning I made my usual glass of morning veggie and fruit juice using beets, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, apples and lemon. It was wonderful. I had veggie and fruit pulp left over! I don’t want to throw it away. Fruits and vegetables are so expensive!

A couple of days ago I shared Golden Goodness Juice for @lenasveganliving Fruits and Veggies Contest. here

Yesterday I we had a lovely Pineapple Cake for breakfast which I made from Golden Goodness leftover veggie and fruit pulp. here

Today I would like to share another recipe, something most of us love.


Buying vegetable chips can be so expensive, easily $4-$5 a bag. Whew! They’re good for you, much better than potato chips. Wouldn’t you like to make them for pennies? Even better, wouldn’t you like a chip made with the vegetables you want to eat?

If so, then come along, it’s so easy! Oh and don’t forget your fruit and veggie pulp!



• ¾ cup veggie and fruit pulp
• 3 Tablespoons flax seeds
• 2 Tablespoons chia seeds
• 2 Tablespoons sunflower seeds
• 1 Tablespoon minced fresh garlic
• 1 Teaspoon Ground Sea Salt
• Dash of ground pepper
• ¾ cup filtered water
Note: Feel free to add/delete spices of your choice. If you like flavored chips try your favorite spices! You can also add juice from lime if you like the salty/lime flavor! I wanted to taste the blend of fruits and veggies so I didn’t add many spices. You’ll have to let me know what you do!

Place all in food processor or blender adding water until a mixture forms a nice paste.



Spread mixture evenly on dehydrator flexible sheet. Lightly score into 2 inch squares. You may want to flip the sheet over with a second sheet at about 4 hours for even dehydrating. (120 degree setting- 7-8 hours) Dehydrate until very dry!

Oven drying:

Spread mixture over parchment lined cookie sheet evenly. Lightly score into 2 inch squares. Place in the oven at 300 degrees for about 45 minutes. Check often, don’t over bake!

I opted to use my dehydrator.


Allow chips to cool. They should be very crisp! If not dry a bit longer! Store in an airtight container.

Look at these chips! Aren’t they great? Now let’s pull out the Guacamole and, enjoy!


Isn’t this great? Juice in the morning and Guacamole and chips that night! All thanks to one serving of Fruits and Veggies!

Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear your favorite Veggie and Fruit pulp recipe!
And as always, blessings to you


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