Majority Of Patients Prefer Cannabis To Opioids For Pain Management

An overwhelming majority of patients prefer to go with cannabis over opioid medication in order to treat their symptoms, according to a recent study that was published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.

There are millions of people around the world who prefer cannabis in order to treat their symptoms and they firmly believe that cannabis is just as effective for them and their pain and other symptoms, as any opioid medication would be for them. This is why many of them continue to take cannabis in the place of pharmaceuticals or along with them, to try and get comfort that big pharma can't provide them.

The current findings from Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research suggest that at least 93 percent of patients preferred cannabis.

Many patients find that they are able to use less opioids when they are using cannabis and also that when they use the cannabis that they see less negative side effects, compared to when they take the big pharma opioid-based medications.

This isn't the first time that is has been suggested that a growing number of consumers might be looking to cannabis in order to find help for their symptoms.

Because of the growing interest surrounding cannabis, especially when it comes to replacing opioid use, it's been suggested that cannabis might be able to help end the “opioid addiction epidemic” that's perceived to be a growing problem by many, in a number of different states.

Because of the threat to big pharmaceutical companies and the risk that their customers will opt for cannabis instead of their medications, it's no wonder that they might feel a little threatened by the concept of legalization and why they might be against it.

Despite federal restrictions surrounding cannabis, the US market continues to grow steadily and is now said to be on par with that of the retail market for ice cream and frozen pizza.

Sales of legal cannabis are around $4 billion, but of course illegal sales are estimated to be much higher. By 2020 they expect the cannabis market to be around $20 billion, growing at roughly 25 percent every year.

A majority of the states in the US now allow for either medicinal or recreational cannabis to be sold, consumed etc.

It's clear that an overwhelming number of Americans want the war against this plant to come to an end, they don't find it to be an intelligent use of resources to initiate violence against someone or lock them in a cage because of their personal cannabis use.

Millions of people use cannabis for their symptoms of pain, nausea, anxiety, and more. And it should be considered a violation of their human rights, for the state to categorize someone as a criminal simply because they are trying to heal themselves and relieve their pain. That's the case for many not only in the US but around the world, those who are using cannabis for medical treatment in places where it's “prohibited” are marked as criminals and at risk of loosing their semblance of freedom because of their pro-cannabis choices.

Shouldn't adults get to decide what they want to do with and put into their own bodies, or do we not own our own bodies? If someone is consuming something in a peaceful manner and isn't bothering anyone else then what business is it of theirs? Dying people shouldn't be considered criminals simply because they turn to a plant for remedy. The label of criminal should be reserved only for those who initiate violence against other people and/or their property, and such “drug activity” doesn't make the cut.

It's becoming quite a mess for a number of businesses, financial institutions, border guards, and many others, who are trying to navigate through the current gray area surrounding cannabis in the US; being legalized in a number of states though criminalized federally. It shouldn't be this hard for those in power to admit that a mistake has been made, in regards to the nonsense war on drugs, and to try and rectify that mistake by changing that mistake and the situation.

Instead, they want to march on blindly, despite the decades of proof that the war on drugs will never accomplish its goal and that the effort causes a lot more harm for society than good.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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