5 Big Pharma Companies Sued Over Their Contribution To Opioid Crisis

Ohio just recently filed a lawsuit against 5 big pharma companies that they say are guilty of contributing to the opioid epidemic in the state. Those companies are: Purdue Pharma, Allergan, Johnson & Johnson, Teva Pharmaceuticals, and Endo Health Solutions.

It's estimated that 1 in 4 individuals who receive a prescription for opioids, will end up struggling with addiction at some point in their life. In Ohio alone it's estimated that at least 3,310 lost their lives in 2015 as a result of an overdose from opioids.

Lawmakers in Ohio aren't the first ones to look at suing drug companies for the opioid problem either, Mississippi is said to be the first state to take that route.

There are also a number of cities that have also looked at suing drug companies for the same thing. Ohio is seeking millions of dollars in damages to cover the costs of having to combat the opioid problem.

According to the suit, these drug companies engaged in fraudulent marketing practices and this, they argue, contributed to the healthcare crisis facing the nation with painkiller addictions becoming so prevalent. They argue that the drug companies violated the Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act and weren't honest and forthcoming about the real risks associated with the opioid medication. That those companies peddled out false and misleading statements about their products, that they committed Medicaid fraud.

The Attorney general wants to hold the drug companies accountable for having allegedly overstated the safety surrounding the product, but what about the people who directly recommended and sold that product to the people? It's nonsensical that the state is ready and willing to point the blame at drug companies, but not every party involved; their pushers in the white coat. Not to mention there hasn't been any criticism mentioned over the FDA and their decision to approve of these drugs.

The Attorney General, Mike DeWine, who announced the legal battle against these drug companies also just recently announced his bid for governor in 2018.

The drug companies have already spoken out against the allegations and said that they find them to be factually and legally unfounded. Which is interesting, considering that a number of drug companies have already settled lawsuits over this same matter.

Purdue for example, they've already paid tens of millions of dollars in damages as a result of lawsuits they've settled relating to controversy over how they marketed their products.

Purdue alone has been sued hundreds of times over this matter.

If the drug companies minimized the risks, then perhaps before recommending the pills to the general public, doctors should've done their research and found out the truth of the matter for themselves. Instead, it looks like they just let the drug sales representatives make their mind up for them.


All material on this post is provided for information purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction, diagnosis, or treatment. If an individual has a med­ical con­cern, no action or inaction should be taken based on the information provided in this post. He or she should always con­sult with their own appropriately-licensed physi­cian or other health care specialist.


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