Rolling an inside out Birthday Spliff with some dank 14 month old Buds #420

Taking it easy tonight and had planned to not post at all today as it's my Birthday and im chilling and being lifted and laid for like a king. I was about the roll a birthday spliff when i thought, here i could roll 1 of those inside out spliff's that @enigm4 told me about a few weeks back.

If you wonna smoke less paper and more weed, check this out


First off, we get some weed and put it ontop of silver to kill all the non weed germs. The strain is Wipeout express from Heavyweight seeds. It is an autoflower strain and gives a good dig. If my memory is right, this is around 14 months old as i remember getting it 2 Christmas's ago. It has danked up nice and smells fruity and very sweet, almost classic green smell. I wonna touch it with my tongue but i no its a bad idea from past experiences. All the hairs have gone brown and some of the leafs as well. I dont care, i'll smoke that shit.

Pick out your stems, no seeds here dawg

Female plants do not produce seeds. If you've got seeds, chances are your weed is shit and you've been ripped off. As ''all'' crossed over autoflowers are dominate female, you should ever get seeds with them. My friend who grows auto has had around 2 out of around 60 plants go hermie. I think.... yes.....he smoked that shit

Grind it like a boss working those wrist muscles, your teenage years were not wasted

Now i have a nice pile of freshly grinded weed. The smell is thick and heavy, it stays in my nose for a few extra nose breaths and i love it. Again, i wonna lick it but resist.

Are we ready?

Weed, tabacco, papers, tips, light, pokey downer stick and silver shark for show. Now, what i do with the paper is important. I fold the crease of the paper inside out and then turn the paper upside down. To make that more easy. You would normally have the sticky part of the paper on top facing you. This roll the sticky part of the paper should be on the bottom of the paper facing away from you.

The time has come

Ok, so the paper is prepped, filled with weed and a thin layer of tobacco on top to help burn more evenly. Time to get rolling. I roll the spliff as normal, i took me 2 try's a few weeks back and i think i have it down. The way i roll is with 2 tight tucks, 1 at each end. Then i work with the tuck from the tip and massage it toward to top. This is starting to sound like a porno. So, by me rolling this way and having to get the tucking bit of paper wet resulted in 2 paper rips, almost snapped in half.

Done that shit

That's it rolled. The part of paper i am holding it by is not needed. The spliff is tight and the stick was good. Its like weight watchers for stoners. You aint needa smoke that extra shit, ya'll better be weed weight watchering with me. Say that last sentence out loud 5 times really quickly. lol

Cut the fat and bring home the bacon

I basically rolled the spliff along my desk going against the paper. This made a good crease to cut with scissors. I had seena few video's were people burn off the extra but i was told that sometimes that can make holes in your spliff. You can smoke it ok with a tiny tiny burn hole but not for me. I am a weed snob, if i drop weed on the floor i bin it. Even if the floor is eat your food off clean. You can see the amount of extra paper you are smoking. After the trim, you are left with a small overlap that you need to fix yourself. All i do is give it a decent licking and smooth it over and over with your hand until the paper is 100% dry.

Inside out Birthday Spliff #1

Here is the result. I think i might only roll like this to show off infront of friends. It's not alot of extra work but it is extra. The taste is basically the same but i really do like the way they seem to curve when rolling. Maybe it is my weed eyes but to me it looks like the top of the spliff is straight and the bottom is curved. With my normal rolled spliffs, both side are straight coned shaped. This spliff looks like how you would draw the perfect spliff.

Toke, Stack and Steem on!! Folks

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