My next car?

Should I buy this one?

I know it's a pipe dream, but it's a lot more affordable pipe dream than the Tesla one I've also been having lately. Also I'm actually a bit strapped on the fiat cash front. I might need to do some Steeming to make it happen. Probably should get my sleep routine fixed first and then start working to this end.


A friend of mine said that I should wait a couple of years and let my crypto portfolio grow before spending it on cars. I tend to agree, but right now I'm feeling very adventurous and almost manic about selling my old car and buying a new one. I'm so silly I'm going to pieces about this, all the reason has left me and I just want this. Am I crazy or what?

I'd love some comments here. :) And hey I promise I'll write something soon, like that lens review I've been holding back for ages now... Maybe about Go... or the snake. Any requests?

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