My work has improved and saved lives. YouTube has censored that work for years, and is about to delete it.

To raise public support for Orwellian censorship measures about to be enacted on YouTube, the CEO did a (mock/fake) interview with CBS, who demanded YouTube crack down further on "conspiracy theories", "hate speech", and "fake news" - to protect the public, of course.

(Here's another good summary & analysis of the interview.)

This representative of the mainstream media is publicly encouraging harsher silencing of views, including those considered controversial or questionable. Is the role of media to encourage restriction of speech and ideas? It seems we're to believe so. The 'interview' was released to the public, loudly broadcasting the message:

"YouTube has no choice in the matter. They MUST censor any non-official viewpoint, because corporations, the mainstream media, and governments demand it. The public's safety, and the future of our world, depends on it."

Broadening the definitions for "hate", and for what is considered "borderline" or "questionable" is key, according to CBS.

It seems that what is covered by "free speech" is becoming smaller and smaller by the day. Soon, the only things we'll be legally allowed to talk about will be:

  • our favourite colour, shape, pet, etc
  • the weather
  • approved history
  • gadgets we want
  • approved political viewpoints (war, carbon taxes, immigration, etc)
  • entertainment

Where I come from, Canada, back in the 80s when I grew up, free speech covered EVERYTHING except calls for violence. You could use slurs, you could be rude, you could be mean, you could be ignorant, you could be wrong, you could be annoying, you could be upsetting, you could be controversial.... and so on. You just couldn't say "we should get together on Saturday and go beat up a bunch of _____s!" (and for good reason).

The definition of free speech should never change. It can't, otherwise it's not really there at all, just a vague idea we modify as convenient. That's dangerous. Free speech is free speech, we either have it or we don't. And right now, we don't.

If we're forming an international set of rules and regulations, let's do it carefully, and not set up a system of censorship and tyranny. If we're deciding what is allowed to be said online and what isn't, let's take it slowly and do a lot of research, consideration, and debate before going forward.

This latest push to silence millions of YouTubers is too much, too quickly.

Personally, because of COPPA alone, I've just had to delete several of my 700 YouTube videos, including ones on:

Even after spending a week going through my content to come up to compliance with their new regulations, I'm still likely to have my whole channel removed from existence on December 10th, because it isn't "commercially viable". I've been on there 12 years, and refused their offers to "partner", or put ads on my videos, so I'm probably first to go.

They've shown for many years that they don't agree with my content. I was noticing and reporting on the practice of shadowbanning back in 2012, long before it was admitted to be true. My channel of 9000 subscribers and 3 million views could have been massive, had I not been held back at every point along the way, while meaningless mainstream makeup or videogame channels get promoted and pushed to the front.

It matters, because I've been right about what I've been saying, all along. All my "theories" are now realities (and the fact that I was called paranoid for having them is never mentioned). I predicted Bitcoin's rise, right down to the dollar and the day in many cases. I knew cannabis legalization in Canada was just a scam, when NOBODY else did, and I was ridiculed for my position, which has now been totally vindicated. I knew Fukushima was being covered up from day one. I saw gold price manipulation when doing so got you put in the looney bin, and now it's just common knowledge. Time and again, I'm always right, and yet I'm always silenced in the moment, then forgotten after it.

I've changed hundreds of lives - and SAVED several - with what I've done. Imagine if I hadn't been so silenced and hidden?!

And what of the future? We've entered into a world more censored and controlled than in many generations, perhaps ever. Can anyone name a single good reason this is being done?


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