Today's Information War links 6/8/2017 - the "Comey is a lying Deep State Hack" edition

The informationwar tag

The tag informationwar, and posts that would be classified under that tag include methods of Information War, Propaganda, and Disinformation. The discussion would include governmental doctrine, historical application, Information War on the spectrum of warfare modes, recognition of fakenews, public OSINT, the concept of a Deep State and reaction to it, and critical thinking in analyzing these concepts.

By necessity, conspiracy theory can be discussed under this tag as they often address what many view as Deep State disinformation; this means that discussion of PizzaGate could fall under the purview.

Today's Links

Today's link focus on the failure of the Deep State's InformationWar "Russian Gambit", and long time Clinton Crime Ring hack James Comey; we'll start with Steemit links and move to off site links:

Comey admits Lynch's tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton sealed the deal

Comey admits leaking Trump conversation details to spur Special Counsel investigation

Comey Testimony...Did Comey just out himself as a leaker?

John McCain's Awkward Questioning of FBI Director James Comey

Big Takeaways from Comey's Testimony

Comey admits he leaked his memo to a "friend" for purposes of that friend then leaking it to the New York Times.
"I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," Comey said. "I didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons."

the Daily Caller reports that state officials say that throughout 2015 and 2016 Obama told them there was no threat of Russian hacking.

Comey said that Trump never asked him to stop the investigation, nor did anyone from his administration.

Comey revealed that Loretta Lynch -- not Trump, but Loretta Lynch -- sought to interfere in an FBI investigation, by demanding he only refer to the Hillary Email investigation as "a matter," in accordance with the Hillary Clinton campaign's spin that this was just a "matter of looking into things," rather than an actual criminal investigation.

Comey's Friends Weren't 'Familiar With His Thinking'

Comey's Latest Statement Is An Indictment Of Comey, Not Trump

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