Fifty-word challenge results and new prompt!

Wow, there were some awesome #fiftywords stories this past week! We had stories of forest fires, stories about deforestation, lost travelers in the forest, wolves, bears and pixies. I counted a total of 20 challenge entries. Great job, everyone.

This post mentions the top pick from last week’s Fifty-word short story challenge with the prompt of "forest," and provides a new prompt for the coming week.

As you probably know, I am carrying on the #fiftywords story challenge that @miniature-tiger started. (@miniature-tiger is busy creating a seafaring strategy game called Archipelago. Check it out!)

(Image credit: Original image by pixel2013, Pixabay)

Fifty-word prompt results

A few quick notes:

First, I am so proud of this group for reading and commenting on one another’s stories. That builds community and helps us all. If I had time, I would give individual recognition to those who are providing support and encouragement to their fellow authors in the #fiftywords challenge project. It’s so great!

Second, going forward, I am going to follow the @miniature-tiger method, and pick one shining star each week. This method will help to keep things manageable. (As I write this, it’s one o’clock in the morning and this is not even the last thing in my queue for the day!) I do read every story as I have time throughout the week, and comment and upvote each one.

Okay, drumroll please!

The #fiftywords shining star of the week

As always, it was so tough. There were so many awesome 50-word stories! But ultimately, I chose “Dragon Egg” by @therosepatch.

This story is rich with imagery, action, and imagination. Like all great micro-fiction, this story paints a picture that is much larger than the canvas it is painted on. We see that Ruby is stealing away, on a mission to get Jared back. The dragon’s egg is a key.

Beautifully done, @therosepatch!

This week's 50-word story prompt

The prompt for this week is “waterfall.” I look forward to seeing what comes of this prompt!


Here they are:

  1. Write a story in 50 words. (It's especially cool if you can hit 50 words exactly!)
  2. Use the #fiftywords tag, and post the link in the comments of this post.
  3. Be sure to read and upvote the work of the other participants. It's all about community!
  4. Use only artwork that you have the right to use, and attribute it properly. See the “Proper use of images” topic below.

Proper use of images

Proper use of images means one of the following:

  1. It is your image.
  2. The image is public domain, or under creative commons licensing rules.
  3. If it is not one of the above, you have actual permission.

Be sure to mention that the image is yours, or attribute its source. And if it's not public domain or creative license, be sure to state that you have permission.

I have two resources for you, from my friends at #thewritersblock:

Deadline: Saturday, April 7th

Have fun!

The 50-word story clan

I'm mentioning you here if have participated in the #fiftywords short story challenge in the past. Please let me know if you would like your tag removed in this or future posts.

@ablaze, @adigitalife, @agmoore, @ahmadmanga, @aksounder, @alheath, @andyartland, @anixio, @anjkara, @awhsarada
@beginningtoend, @bentheredonethat, @bhop42moro, @bitsendpieces, @botefarm @brandonsadventur, @bryarose23
@caleblailmusik, @carlosparejo, @carn, @charlesmackenzie, @cizzo, @creatr, @curtwriter
@damianjayclay, @deirdyweirdy, @diebitch, @dinavice, @dirge, @divineinyang, @douglasbalmain
@eaglespirit, @ebitularmbert, @elementm, @emwalker, @enjar, @evgsk
@feebie,, @fireawaymarmot, @fitinfun, @freewheel
@godwine, @gonzo
@iamthegray, @ilt-yodith, @isa93, @isufbakaj
@jadams2k18, @janine-ariane, @jakeybrown, @jayna, @joyyrush
@kaelci, @kainos-success, @kamalkennedy, @kingernie, @ktfabler
@ldacey-laforge, @lonestarpoet, @loraine, @lucylin
@Mammasitta, @marie-jay, @mark-dahl, @maxiemoses-eu, @metzli, @mikesthoughts, @mineopoly, @miniature-tiger, @momzillanc, @mydivathings
@naquoya, @naso, @navaneeth, @negativer, @niallon11, @nicolexu1337
@paintingangels, @photovitamin, @pixiehunter, @poeticnest, @preparedwombat, @prydefoltz, @purpledaisy57, @pyrowngs
@saoirseronan, @sciencevienna, @sharoonyasir, @skoolielove, @spalatino, @stayoutofherz, @steemitdiversify, @sukhasanasister, @superjongky
@tanglebranch, @thatlovechild, @theblackcrow, @therosepatch, @tiatu, @tibra, @tin-tin, @tony-duke, @tygertyger
@udayakumarage, @upen-srv
@vaitelavicius, @vivek-g
@whitewizard, @wilfredn, @wordsalmighty, @wylde
@yimiipsa, @yomibolo

Thank you so much for participating!


p.s. If you would like help editing your fiction or poetry, reach out to the editors at The Writers' Block on Discord.

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